
Video Apps

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MPlayerThumbs is a video thumbnail generator for KDE file managers (Konqueror, Dolphin, ...) , now available also for KDE 4.
It needs mplayer (of course) to generate thumbnails, and it contains no linking to any library, so in a x86_64 system you can freely use the 32bit mplayer binary with win32codecs by configuring the application launching the mplayerthumbsconfig helper application.
It catches a random frame from 15% to 70%, checking also how contrasted is the image, and dropping bad frames.
Last changelog:

2009-02-11 MPlayerThumbs 1.2
* Fixed build with kde 4.2 (thanks Pino Toscano)

2008-07-18 MPlayerThumbs 1.1
* Re-adding strips, and making them dynamically configurable
* Adding option to clear cache in mplayerthumbsconfig
* Optimizing the code to use an unique directory to store thumbs, to avoid
confusing thumbs for different files

2008-06-20 MPlayerThumbs 1.0
* First stable release
* Porting to KDE 4
* Refactoring code, for more stability and speed
* Also KDE 4 adds for us a free feature, random thumbnail generation on
the preview on the information toolbar on each mouseover

2006-07-10 MPlayerThumbs 0.5b
* Fixed thumbnail generation when files have not an extension.
2006-07-01 MPlayerThumbs 0.5
* Adding -ao null option instead of -nosound
* Adding custom arguments configuration to mplayerthumbsconfig
* Cleaning code, removing check for local/remote files, and threating
all them as local, since kio already provides us a good support for
remote files.
* Option to add "blacklisted" extensions with mplayerthumbsconfig

Ratings & Comments



This is great ! But why is it listed as a "KDE video application" ? Should it be in "File browser enhancements" ? I was originally trying to activate using external thumbnailers in KDE. MATE can do this using config files and scripts that reference the binaries in "/usr/share/thumbnailers/". But I don't think KDE can use that system. Took me ages to find your release and it works very well. Should the "mplayerthumbsconfig" be available through a button next to the entry for the plugin in "Previews" (Dolphin settings) ?


Install kffmpegthumbnailer from software control o su -c 'yum install kffmpegthumbnailer'. later, activate on Dolphin. Enjoy


As matroska files (mkv) can embed the cover of a movie (or even several pictures AFAIK), it could be nice if mplayerthumbs could display such pictures instead of random ones (or maybe let the user choose the behaviour with mplayerthumbsconfig Tondu


But he is very slow.


The current version of Mplayerthumbs defaults to Phonon, yet it does not work out-of-the-box with phonon. There are two workarounds: 1) - Press Ctrl-F2 and type mplayerthumbsconfig and then Enter. - Set the backend to MPlayer (it defaults to Phonon). 2) - Alternatively leave Phonon as the backend.. - install phonon-backend-mplayer. To the developer(s): Perhaps when phonon is selected the user should be asked to install phonon-backend-mplayer, via the notifications system, in the same way that arora suggests multimedia codecs, and nepomuk suggests sesame2. Alternatively it should default to Mplayer, and the box where Phonon can be selected should have a message informing the user of the phonon-backend-mplayer likely requirement.


I changed a mplayer on the own wrapping what to find out problem: == /usr/bin/mplayer-bin == #!/bin/bash echo "$@" >> /tmp/mt.log /usr/bin/mplayer "$@" == EOF == #> cat /tmp/mt.log to: On some files "mplayer" started with an option "-frames 200-10000" and the miniatures of such files are not displayed and here very high loading on processor time. What to decide this problem, I did the following script: /usr/bin/mplayer-bin ( - It decided a problem. This option "-frames 200-10000" - this is bug, or it was so planned? P.S. In "mplayerthumbsconfig" is not possible to change "the path for mplayer executable file". P.P.S. Sorry for my English (


This is great. What would be better is to have custom DVD cover art per avi instead of just a random picture from the movie. Gnome has one called imdb-thumbnailer. Nothing like this exists for konqueror


Running latest Fedora KDE 4.2, and growing video files cause a whole ton of mplayer instances and bring my system to a crawl. Any possibility of an update? Thanks!


Took me forever to get this package to work on fedora 10! Here is what I did export KDEDIR=`kde4-config --prefix` export KDEHOME=~/.kde4 export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin/:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$KDEDIR -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=/home/esoukenka/mplayerthumbs-1.1/src cd src make make install


thanks for your script, still works great under Fedora 11 and KDE 4.3


i noticed that mplayer goes crazy when trying to create an image on a growing file. how to test it. open up konqueror on a download folder and then start downloading a video file using firefox and an infinite mplayer instances will be started slowing down the system to a crawl browsing away from the folder and all these instances of mplayer will start disappearing, one at a time


I'm looking into it, but it seems to be a kdelibs/kdebase problem look the number of kio_thumbnail processes too... it's not mplayerthumbs launching multiple mplayer sessions, it's kde launching multiple mplayerthumbs sessions (each one with about one instance of mplayer). As a temporary workaround, try adding "part" to the blacklisted extensions.


HI M. RockMan81, I re compressed videos from my digital camera to save space. I used Kvideoconverter (MEncoder GUI) with the xvid codec. I kept the µLaw audio stream. The job was done well. I checked the videos with SMplayer (Another Mplayer frontend). Then, I decided to watch the thumbnails mplayerthumb could generate for this files. And at this point, mplayerthumb reduced all my videos to 1 second. The files have still the same size but play only 1 second. One windows program (the only one I've found to do that), Gspot, told me all the frames are still inside the files but the indexes indicate '[mplayer junk DATA]', 1 second video and 'unneeded data at the end of the file'. I want to know what's happened? How to recover my files? But how to manage avi index too? no players, even VLC, had been able to rebuild the index correctly. This bug shows me that we can hide any file inside an another avi file if we handle well the avi index. This is an idea for a new software. I got mplayerthumb from the regular opensuse11.0 repositories for kde 3 and 4. I hope to have an answer from you. Cordially.


I was looking for such thumbnailer creator for a long time ago! I can't bear xine, and the libarts1-xine wasn't able to create video thumbnails, but mplayerthumbs can! Can I ask you to create a package for debian? I'm forced to use the .deb avaiable in ubuntu repositories, but it would be very nice to give it in debian. I hope it's not asking too much! thank you again for this awesome work!


great tool! thanks but i have 1 issues with mplayerthumbs: 1. if i switch from strips to no strips or vice versa, there should be a dialog if i want to clean the cache because otherwise the thumbnails will stay with the old style. 2. every video has a 1px wide border on the upper and left side.


This is one of the neat surprises in KDE4. Thank you, well done. m0nk


There is a build problem:


--- CMakeLists.txt~ 2008-06-20 08:16:26.000000000 -0700 +++ CMakeLists.txt 2009-02-11 05:40:54.000000000 -0700 @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ kde4_add_plugin(videopreview ${videopreview_PART_SRCS}) -target_link_libraries(videopreview ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS}) +target_link_libraries(videopreview ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KIO_LIBS}) install(TARGETS videopreview DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR})


try lastest version, please, the issue is solved.


hi rockman, could you please update thumb? its not compiling anymore with kde 4.2 :( it would be awesome if you could talk to the kde guys to merge it upstream for kde 4.3. the only missing feature for me would be a dragon backend besides mplayer, so it could be integrated with kde without the need of a external player/encoder. best regards, im a fan already :)


For newer versions of KDE4, you need to change CMakeLists.txt, so line 12 says: target_link_libraries(videopreview ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KIO_LIBS}) Notice the added ${KDE4_KIO_LIBS}


Hello Can Atilla or anyone else please give me a RPM of it for Mandriva 2009 KDE 4?


Hi, i installed this on my Mandriva 2009.0 Cooker. I used checkinstall for building a rpm. However, i noticed that it uses /share instead of /usr/share, /lib instead of /usr/lib and /bin instead of /usr/bin. It could be my fault but i just want to inform you. When stuff moved to right directiories everything is ok.


Hi, the program compiled and installed fine on my kubuntu 8.04 kde 4.1.1 and I can run also mplayerthumbsconfig, but when I open either dolphin or konqueror no thumbs are shown. what did I do wrong? this really looks like a cool prog. thanks


The only thing really lacking for me in KDE4.1 was a lack of video thumbs. The source installed flawlessly in mandriva 2009 beta. Thank you, working well and very fast in Konqueror and Dolphin.

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version 1.2
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mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 4

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