Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Only english, german and dutch output at the moment.
See Homepage for more info
The Suse-9.1-rpm package was provided by Mario Mueller
0.9.8: - Did some fixing again. Yipee
- Fixed utf Problems
- UTF ist used by default now
- New Package for Ubuntu
0.9.7: - New Danish Translation
- Footer is now completely
0.9.6: - Kletterwizard comes with
its own
latex-class now. No Dependency
on g-brief anymore.
Debian-testing and Mandrake
should work now.
- Following characters are
properly escaped now:
$ % & \ { } _
- My Sign / Your Sign/
Your letter from
are only shown if there are
values to show
-fixed tab-order
Ratings & Comments
…you do realize that “kletterwizard” means “climbing wizard” when translated from german? (“klettern” means “to climb”)
Is there a chance to get a KDE 4 port of this great application? It's the only one i'm really missing in KDE 4.
As a french person, I can translate to this language. Just gimme files for this and how to use them, and I'll be happy to help you
Hi, I just received two bugreports from invalid email-Adresses. So I can't answer. So if anybody wants to send bugreports: 1: I will answer again :-) 2: Please attach the output of kletterwizard run in a console 3: Please tell me which version and if source or package. Thanks for helping improving Kletterwizard.
latex cant find the tmp file. is there a '"' missing? anyone else with this prob? This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) entering extended mode ! I can't find file `" "'. \nonstopmode " \nonstopmode \\input{" /tmp/kde-aether/kletterwizardfZuUat/tmp.tex } Please type another input file name: ! Emergency stop. \nonstopmode " \nonstopmode \\input{" /tmp/kde-aether/kletterwizardfZuUat/tmp.tex } No pages of output. Transcript written on texput.log.
Hello, same problem for me. Can you tell wich libraries must be installed to use the program? Or ist it a problem with access rights?
Under SuSE 9.1 it worked flawless for me. Since I updated to SuSE 10.0 I have the same problem. That's very sad, cause i wrote all my letters with this great app. Anyone knows how to fix this ?
p.s.: If I leave kletterwizard running and type into konsole: latex /tmp/kde-xxxx/kletterwizardxxxx/tmp.tex, the correct tmp.dvi is being generated. So it must be a communication problem between kletterwizard and latex.
ok. i found it. remove the whitespace before \\nonstopmode (line 231 in src/klwletter.cpp) depending on your gcc version you may also need to remove the \ before } (same line and file)
Hello, thank you very much, it works !!!!!! Best regards, Norbert
How do you change the font in kLetterwizard (of the letter you are typing)?
usr/lib/qt3/bin/uic -L /usr/lib/kde3/lib/kde3/plugins/designer -nounload -o klwPersonalSettingsFormBase.h ./klwPersonalSettingsFormBase.ui uic: File generated with too recent version of Qt Designer (3.3 vs. 3.2.3) make[2]: *** [klwPersonalSettingsFormBase.h] Error 1 as may have guessed, I running on: qt3-3.2.3 qt3-devel-3.2.3 kdelibs3-3.2.3 kdelibs3-devel-3.2.3
The usual Problem with the designer version: Edit src/klwPersonalSettingsFormBase.ui and change version="3.3" to version="3.2.1". Will fix the tarball
Nice work. Compiles and runs great in KDE 3.4 beta 2
It's time I add my comment, and I must ay, this little application is a joy to use. Easy, clear, and produces a great-looking letter. There are a few formatting issues regarding American/Canadian letter standards that I've made known to the author, but they are not bugs, just a small wishlist. Another request: Can we also have the ability to save letters in different formats (kWord, etc.)? Or at least, to save letters in whatever "Kletterwizard" format? I know it's Latex, but can this be done? All in all, great program, and well worth the download.
You can save it as *.letter. This can be opened by kletterwizard. It can be saved as PDF which can be opened by KWord, right ?
Saving is possible already. Its XML. I would like to be able to export to odf. But I need help for that. Any volunteers ?
can someone provide some static binaries, please?
i have tried kletterwizard 0.9.5 and encountered the following problems : * kletterwizard crashes if kghostview is not installed here is the error message : "FATAL: Could NOT find a Part for image/x-eps (Postscript Viewer). Is KGhostview installed ?" * The tab order is not set up properly on the gui (try to switch from one lineedit to another with the tab key).
It says in the README that you will need kghostview. I will care about the tabs
.. but it should not crash
I've a similar problem but kghostview is installated on my computer. locate output: /usr/lib/kde3/libkghostviewpart.la /usr/lib/kde3/libkghostviewpart.so /usr/lib/libkghostviewlib.so.0.0.0 /usr/lib/libkghostviewlib.so.0 /usr/lib/libkghostviewlib.so /usr/lib/libkghostviewlib.la ktradertest output (image/x-eps KParts/ReadOnlyPart): ---- Offer 0 ---- kio (KService*): Request for unknown property 'Caption' Invalid property Caption DocPath : 'kghostview/index.html' kio (KService*): Request for unknown property 'UntranslatedGenericName' Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName X-KDE-StartupNotify : 'TRUE' Type : 'Application' Name : 'Visualiseur PS et PDF' Comment : 'Afficheur de documents Postscript et PDF' GenericName : 'PS/PDF Viewer' Icon : 'kghostview.png' Exec : 'kghostview %u -caption "%c" %i %m' Terminal : '0' Invalid property TerminalOptions Invalid property Path ServiceTypes : 'KParts/ReadOnlyPart - Browser/View - application/pdf - application/postscript - image/x-eps - application/gzpostscript - Application' AllowAsDefault : '1' InitialPreference : '6' Library : 'libkghostview' DesktopEntryPath : 'Applications/Publishing/kghostview.desktop' DesktopEntryName : 'kghostview' Keywords : '' Categories : '' kletterwizard output: kio (KTrader): KServiceTypeProfile::offers( image/x-eps, ) kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /var/tmp/kdecache-root/ksycoca kio (KTrader): KServiceTypeProfile::offers serviceType=image/x-eps genericServiceType=Application kio (KTrader): KServiceTypeProfile::offers serviceType=image/x-eps genericServiceType=KParts/ReadOnlyPart kio (KTrader): Returning 12 offers kdecore (KLibLoader): library=libkghostview.la: No file names libkghostview.la found in paths. kletterwizard: FATAL: Could NOT find a Part for image/x-eps (Postscript Viewer). Is KGhostview installed ?
Forget this comment, i've found the problem with playing with mime type associations.
The newer Mandrakes (since 9.0) won't run this application because the file g-brief.cls is no longer a part of tetex-Latex. The last version MDK has with this file was 1.0.7 and current is 2.0.2. Any idea what replaced this file and how to make the product use the newer cls file? The error is as follows This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5) LaTeX2e Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, b asque, italian, portuges, russian, spanish, nohyphenation, loaded. (/tmp/kde-james/kletterwizard2bBDbl/tmp.tex ! LaTeX Error: File `g-brief.cls' not found. Type X to quit or to proceed, or enter new name. (Default extension: cls) Enter file name: ! Emergency stop. l.2 \usepackage {babel}^^M No pages of output. Transcript written on tmp.log. This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) /usr/bin/dvips: ! DVI file can't be opened. So when you attempt to either use the preview or save/print the file there is no .ps file to save/view/print. Thanks
g-brief wasn't GPL for some time. But it is lppl now. Maybe it will be in MDK soon. If not, just download it here: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/g-brief/