Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Some of the main features of KTurtle include:
* the ability to translate the programming commands into the native language of the student using the KDE translation framework.
* all you need integrated in in one application.
* simplified programming terminology.
* intuitive syntax highlighting and error markers.
(Text by: Cies Breijs)
== KDE 4.0 (v8.0) ==
KTurtle largely rewritten in the KDE4 porting effort. Canvas is now a based on QGraphicsView (SVG ready). The editor has new features. An inspector widget and a run console where added. Still some regressions (F2 context help, full-screen mode)
== KDE 3.3 (v0.7) ==
KTurtle is first released as part of the kde-edu module in KDE 3.3. But sadly a terrible bug regarding the Settings dialog slipped in.
== KDE 3.3.1 ==
In KDE 3.3.1, 2 bugs are fixed (inlcuding the "Settings" bug).
== KDE 3.4 ==
Small bugs fixed. F2 context sensitive help implemented.
== KDE from SVN ==
KTurtles bleeding edge developer version (currently 0.7+) can be obtained from KDE's SVN server (kdeedu/kturtle), see here how to do this:
Please note that some experience with kde-svn could be very helpfull while doing this.
You can also see who's up on #kde-edu @ irc.freenode.org.
Ratings & Comments
9 +20%
9 +
Hi Euclides Chuma, I'm Cies Breijs the initiator and main developer of KTurtle. As you might remeber I contacted you somewhere in 2002. I was inspired by your application and I wanted to help, yet I quickly found that I couldn't. At this point your app, KLogo-Turtle, suffered from: - portugese symbols (class/ method and variable names) in the code - all LOGO commands are hardcoded (every translation) - there is no real interpreter, this prevents growth Before I posted this I had a look at the current KLogo-Turtle's source code (0.6), and found non of these issues fixed. So I started MyOwnLogoApp (for which I had to learn C++/Qt/KDE programming) and called it KTurtle. - I found a BASIC interpreter in C++ called WSBASIC (wsbasic.sf.net) by Walter Schreppers, which i reused - I wanted to use and re-use as much KDE as possible (now using Kate_part, XMLGUI, KConfigXT) - for easy translation of the LOGO commands I wanted some external, extendible file format that plays nice with KDE's internationalisation framework (turned out to be XML) - and I wanted to get into KDE-EDU, so KTurtle gets widely distributed All the above points are in the current version of KTurtle, which ships with KDE 3.4! > This Project is a clone of KLogo-Turtle. Yes, this is true. I build a similar app because (1) I wanted to and (2) I couldn't work with yours. > Missing new thinks. Untrue! Euclides, don't get me wrong, I give you the full credit for inspiring me but you cannot say KTurtle misses 'new thinks', it has a lot of 'new thinks'! I invite you to have a look at (the source of) a current version of KTurtle... Kind regards, Cies Breijs.
hi cies thank you for ur reply and sending the link..i appreciate..being a developer still u r very nice n down to earth...n by the way oh god u remember me...it was 2002 i mailed u..thanku freind..ur mail is inspiring for me too...once again thanku for your lovely message and taking care of my words..god bless u...bye t & c
This Project is a clone of KLogo-Turtle. Missing new thinks. The project original is: http:\\klogoturtle.sf.net
Well, it looks good but I can't get it to build! ./kturtle.kcfg ./settings.kcfgc; ret=$?; \ if test "$ret" != 0; then rm -f settings.h ; exit $ret ; fi /bin/sh: line 1: ./kturtle.kcfg: Permission denied make[4]: *** [settings.h] Error 126 And yes, I did follow the README.
> Well, it looks good thanks! > but I can't get it to build! That's indeed a pity... :) > And yes, I did follow the README good you mention that, else i would have told you to go there... Did you read this? http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/howto/cvsusing.html#cvsanonaccess (especially the admin linking part) If none of this works then please sent me (ciesinasia+AT+yahoo+DOT+com) a full shell-log from the "cvs co kdeedu/kturtle" to the "make" attempt. Thanks for trying!
Hello, Yes, i've just checked out KTurtle from the CVS and followed the configuration & compilation steps. But I've got the following error when i use "make": then mv -f ".deps/kturtle.Tpo" ".deps/kturtle.Po"; \ else rm -f ".deps/kturtle.Tpo"; exit 1; \ fi kturtle.cpp: Dans member function
This means you need newer kdelibs, setupGUI was added to kdelibs at around June 8 2004