Description: A C header file for your compiler. All you have to do to install is stick it wherever your compiler gets header files (usually /usr/include). Includes delay() function, vi the file for all functions.Last changelog:
To save people downloading this to see what it is... it provides two functions:
meltdown(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
There is no API documentation, and the delay function (at least) is broken.
To the author: this is a good thing to practice with, but it's not much use to others. Your delay() function will not work at the correct speed on any computer that is faster or slower than yours. Also, it is highly inefficient.
The reason for both of these issues is that you can't just run a loop for a long time as a way of waiting on a multitasking computer, or a computer that's capabilities aren't fully known. Instead, you have to use higher-level computer parts, like the built in clock and alarm system, to wait for a specified period of time. Look up the sleep() function, which does what you want delay() to do.
some years ago, when i was learning c++ ive built smaller programs like you too. but i never tried to waste the time of others by publishing them. i simply was to shy to do so.
plz. post only a tool if they fulfill a specific task. an easy way is to write a template list-class with is dynamic. for example.
Ratings & Comments
To save people downloading this to see what it is... it provides two functions: delay(time) meltdown(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5) There is no API documentation, and the delay function (at least) is broken. To the author: this is a good thing to practice with, but it's not much use to others. Your delay() function will not work at the correct speed on any computer that is faster or slower than yours. Also, it is highly inefficient. The reason for both of these issues is that you can't just run a loop for a long time as a way of waiting on a multitasking computer, or a computer that's capabilities aren't fully known. Instead, you have to use higher-level computer parts, like the built in clock and alarm system, to wait for a specified period of time. Look up the sleep() function, which does what you want delay() to do.
some years ago, when i was learning c++ ive built smaller programs like you too. but i never tried to waste the time of others by publishing them. i simply was to shy to do so. plz. post only a tool if they fulfill a specific task. an easy way is to write a template list-class with is dynamic. for example.
whoop-de-do. im still trying to figure out c, ok? bear with me here
dont have conio.h. delay() is magic number and therefore needs some work. whats api again? add more functions if you want. i don't care.