Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:Let me know what you think.
passive popups show when client connects, disconnects
new ui layout
restart synergy if it crashes (1 second delay)
clients can connect via ssh (requires passwordless ssh keys)
added a button to open up kwrite to edit the config file.
better system tray docking
restores state when restarted
Ratings & Comments
I'm completely happy with QSynergy. This integrates nicely, sits in the system tray, is easy to use, and just works perfectly.
wow. i just checked out the screenshots. that app looks great. i wonder if they imported the synergy code or converted it to a library. i've been considering that for a long time so that i can have more control over synergy itself. my app just shells out synergy and does all integration through its log messages. works great if you don't reduce log level. if you do, then connect/disconnect, etc. messages don't work.
do you know this Programm it does it job very good, also in Linux: http://quicksynergy.sourceforge.net/
Quicksynergy is nice, but I got here looking for something that would fit in with the system tray, which it looks like it does. I didn't manage to get it configured for compile though, and I haven't used kdevelop before, and it didn't get me there. It wouldn't happen that someone had a pre-compiled kubuntu package for i386, would it?
A killing feature would be to enable using synergy over ssh : open an ssh tunnel to the server, then launch synergy. A simple checkbox labeled "enable ssh tunnel" within ksynergy would be perfect.
Its funny how I never thought twice about typing in my passwords on the client machine... How do you tunnel it through ssh? I can probably add that it.
Sorry, I didn't receive the notification of your answer in time. How do you do this ? Well, you'll find a tutorial about synergy tunelling through ssh in the FAQ : http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/faq.html#faq5
I've added ssh support to the clients but it assumes you have a private/public key setup so that you don't need a password. It will be released shortly. Thanks for the tip.
The make file set isn't complete (no config nor make install on my download) but it compiled fine in kdevelop and installed. Cool wrapper, pity I didn't have it a week ago, might have saved me some frustration setting it up the old way :) Thanks. Peter.
Yeah, I'm not too experienced with setting up the build process. I'll try to iron it out a bit. But this doesn't do the configuration. Its really just a little thing to help avoid needing the command line to run it. I've considered making it so it helps with the config, but I don't understand synergy's config process very well.