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KIMToy is an input method frontend for KDE. It is an alternative to kimpanel plasmoid. KIMToy uses the same dbus ipc specification as kimpanel, say org.kde.impanel, so where kimpanel works, where KIMToy works.

KIMToy is a standalone application, has no dependence on plasma, so it won't make your whole desktop unstable.

KIMToy aims to provide a stable and intergrated frontend for Asian input method, such as fcitx, scim and ibus.

KIMToy makes easy for fcitx/ibus/scim users. These three input method should work out of box since KIMToy-0.2.

KIMToy is able to load sogou input method theme since KIMToy-0.4.
KIMToy is able to load fcitx input method theme since KIMToy-1.1.

supported input methods
ibus >= 1.3.0
fcitx >= 4.0
scim >= 1.4.9

KDE project page

manual install instruction
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kf5-config --prefix` ..
sudo make install

Q how to move status bar and preedit bar?
A drag using right mouse button, the position will be memorized.

Q does the input method started by kimtoy conflict with the one started by system?
A you can configure kimtoy to start an input method when kimtoy application starts. but if your system has been set a default input method, please disable autostart feature in kimtoy.

Q does the environment variable settings in kimtoy affect the system ones?
A the env set in kimtoy will overwrite the system ones.

Q why does the text in preedit bar differ from the one specified in the theme?
A since the font specified int the theme is missing in your system, kimtoy will fallback to the default font, which is usually sans serif. you can set custom font to replace the font specified in the theme.

Q why do some status bar icons positions have offset sometimes?
A because the position count specified in the theme may be lesser than actual icon count, and kimtoy can not decide what should be shown and what should not.

Q my ibus settings got lost, how to restore it ?
A kimtoy use kconfig to store ibus settings, please configure your setup again. it is not possible for kimtoy to migrate your settings from gconf/dconf to kconfig at the moment.

Q how to hide some property icons on status bar ?
A right click on status bar and then uncheck the entries in context menu.
Last changelog:

2016-02-06 v1.91
port app and plugins to kf5
install kimtoy icons
improve compability with ibus 1.5.8+
improve compability with new fskin scheme
proper colorize with two pass skin rendering
render colorized background with proper frame alphamap

2015-06-04 v1.10.1
use openssl instead of qca2
fix theme animation with libpng 1.6+
update libpng-apng copy to 1.6.17

2015-06-02 v1.10
encrypted sogou input theme import support
fix compability with ibus 1.5.x but ctrl+space is the only supported hotkey
fix zombie process issue when opening setting dialog

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Any chance for a fix? CMakeFiles/ibus-impanel.dir/panel.o: In function `impanel_trigger_property_callback': ibus-panel/panel.c:363: undefined reference to `ibus_input_context_disable' CMakeFiles/ibus-impanel.dir/panel.o: In function `ibus_panel_impanel_state_changed': ibus-panel/panel.c:1224: undefined reference to `ibus_input_context_is_enabled' CMakeFiles/ibus-impanel.dir/panel.o: In function `ibus_panel_impanel_focus_in': ibus-panel/panel.c:628: undefined reference to `ibus_input_context_is_enabled'


try the new version :D


用的是最新的代码编译 装了ibus和fcitx,能悬fcitx,不能选择ibus


Hi, Since I updated kimtoy last year, I have been unable to get it to work properly. My problem is that the kimtoy-Panel/Window, where it should be possible to configure the ime, is empty, no icons are displayed: I'm using the newest kimtoy, compiled from source, with ibus on Kubuntu with KDE 4.8.3. Any tips what might be wrong? Thank you.


1 ensure the ibus support in kimtoy is also compiled and installed properly (check if ibus-ui-impanel and ibus-kconfig have been installed along with other ibus components) 2 check how your ibus is started, from system xinput script or from kimtoy. I suggest disable the system one and then enable ibus launching from kimtoy because there is still some bugs in ibus launching script in official (k)ubuntu package. you can choose "none" in im-switch to let system not start any input method for you. good luck


Thank you, it is working now. I think the main problem was that the dev-packages of ibus were not installed. the kimtoy config script only recognized ibus after I installed the dev package.


是否是我没设置好呢,可是我没改过设置啊 如图


恩 1.7 引入的问题,更新到 1.7.1 就可以了


我通过pacman -Qi kimtoy 出来的版本号是已经是1.7-1 重新安装无用


1.7-1 表明版本还是 1.7 啊 如果是 1.7.1 的话应该是 1.7.1-1 不清楚的话看下 kimtoy 的关于对话框就知道了


果然,我错了 thx


果然,我错了 thx


额...怪我啦~打包者表示惭愧 >_<


Great App


Maybe I am the only one but, iBus does not work if the daemon parameter "-c .../ibus-kconfig" is set. The default engine, Anthy, does not load and the kimtoy panel does not show. ¿How can I help you to debug this? Kimtoy 1.3 iBus 1.4.0


Because the old configuration of ibus was stored in gconf/dconf, including the default engine setting, it got lost after switching to kconfig. Try the following steps: start kimtoy with ibus parameters set with '-c XXX/ibus-kconfig'. launch ibus-setup tool to configure the engine settings, then close the setup tool. quit kimtoy and restart it. now it should be able to load your preferred engine. ~/.kde4/share/config/ibusrc file will contain something like [general] preload_engines=Santhy


Thanks for the tip. I think I will not be the only migrator from GTK ibus to kimtoy. So, should this not be in the FAQ section?


Suggestion: add "-r" as a parameter for the iBus daemon so that kimtoy can be used even if iBus is already started.


That's a good idea. I will probably add -r in the next release. Thanks.


For it to work you need this change on inputmethods.cpp. diff --git a/inputmethods.cpp b/inputmethods.cpp index e731e9f..5838760 100644 --- a/inputmethods.cpp +++ b/inputmethods.cpp @@ -134,10 +134,6 @@ IBusInputMethod::~IBusInputMethod() void IBusInputMethod::run() { KUrl iBusCmd = KIMToySettings::self()->iBusCmd(); - if (isProcessRunning(iBusCmd)) { - return; - } - QStringList args; if (!KIMToySettings::self()->iBusArgs().isEmpty()) args = KIMToySettings::self()->iBusArgs().split(' ');




这个问题在 fcitx 和 kimtoy 两边都可以解决的,我可能会在以后的版本里加上图标替换的功能以便适应皮肤主题的,目前的话暂时只好忍一下了。。 ;)




The current screen edge handling is not so good. You can check the fcitx's method. If the window will cross the bottom of the screen, it should be moved upper the text, current method will cover the text. Simply make new Y to given_Y - inputwindow_height - 20 would be better.


I can't seem to get this to build. If I run it without hacking the CMake file, I get -- checking for module 'ibus-1.0' -- found ibus-1.0, version 1.3.8 -- Could NOT find IBUS (missing: IBUS_LIBRARIES) even though I have it, both and the development headers installed. If I hack IBUS_LIBRARIES, I get loads of build errors like: panel.c:34:5: error: unknown type name ‘IBusPanelService’ and so on. Any ideas? (this is on openSUSE Factory - to be 12.1)

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