Kogame Tools
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
how to build:
tar jxvf kogame-version.tar.bz2
cd kogame; make
-German language file added
(Thanks Valentin Diekmann)
Now support English, German and Spanish.
-Grammatical mistakes fixed in language files
-Fixes in some label sizes.
-Robotic factory missing bug fixed
- *.lang file fixed for robotic factory
(Thanks smileaf for report the bug)
-Bug fixed in a label setCaption
-English and Spanish support
-Language translation file is done.
TODO for v1.0
-More configuration options
-More calculus tools for ogame
-Fourm BB converter
-Batle Simulator
The first release! It includes:
-Edification expenses calculator
-Resource per hour calculator
-Language translation file
Ratings & Comments
I am about to start the translation into german. I just say it here so no one else starts it ;) See you soon, - tux86.
Yes, it´s [b]finished[/b]! Couldn't test it because I had problems with compiling KOgame Tools (seems like I have to install some lib's ;) ) but it should work -- I made two translation files. One without "Umlaute" (~ special chars) and one with... With special chars: http://upd.sourced.de/kogame/german.lang.bz2 Without special chars: http://upd.sourced.de/kogame/german-nsc.lang.bz2 Cheers, -- tux86. I'm gonna send you an email with that files included ;)
This patch fixes the tab ordering. http://beta.smileaf.org/files/patches/kogame-0.2.1-tab-fixes.patch.bz2
Unable to connect to beta.smileaf.org The server seems to be down :( Anyway thanks for the patches, im waiting for the server back.
http://beta.smileaf.org/files/patches/kogame-0.2.1.patch.bz2 This fixes some minor typo's and grammer mistakes.
You seem to be missing The Robotics Factory: Robotics Factory (level 4) Requirements: Metal: 6.400 Crystal: 1.920 Deuterium: 3.200 Construction Time: 39m 56s Robotics Factory (level 5) Requirements: Metal: 12.800 Crystal: 3.840 Deuterium: 6.400 Construction Time: 1h 6m 33s
Holy shit, you're right! I forgot the robotics factory! I'll fix it ;) Thank you very much
Hi. Do you have a specific language file? So I would translate it into german... Not so motivated to dig me through the whole code searching for the words ;) Cheers, --tux86
I'm sorry but there isn't a translation file yet. I'm working on it ;)