Main Project is WoWLinuxSettings, which allows you to edit your Graphic/Sound Options for WoW (which is currently not possible in Wine), but also things like WoWUIAddOnSettings for installing/de/activating UI Modifications etc...
It is not yet finished, this is just a very early UI-preview

Please Tell me what you think so far and if/how i can improve it

Ratings & Comments
oops! clumsy me... didnt saw it! sry!
how long time do you think it will take befor someone like me, a noob on linux, can download this and use it?
I have been running WoW on Linux (suse 10 w/kde) for over a year now, and about 6 months ago a mod popped up on one of the modding sites that finally allowed us to change the video settings from the Video Settings menu. Which up till then was the only menu we couldn't touch from in game. All the other menus (sound, interfce, and keybindings) worked like any windows/mac system. The mods name is AppltToForehead. You might check it out and see if it could be of any help to you in completing this wonderful project. I hope to see a fully functional (or nearly) application soon, as I would definitly put it to use and let the other linux users know of it. Kudoos to you!
spelling correction: ApplyToForehead
I already know this mod and its not really complete... you cant change anything... also you cant set the maximum distance higher then the ingame-slider, but the engine supports a higher value (if you PC does ;) ) there are a lot of settings you cant do ingame... you cant set the sound-buffer size. or switch to opengl/d3d...
Ok, I was assuming your mod was something different then. I was referring to the abilities of the settings menus that Blizzard offers to Windows users. Of these, we have been unable to change the video settings without being kicked out of the game. If your engine will allow us to do more than the default settings menus, then I applaud your effort and look forward to utilizing it. Let me know if I you need a beta tester. I'd be willing to assist.
looks like you made someone's day:
beautiful idea
I was thinking of making something like this.
i definitively could use some help with this ;)
Well post the sources then and we'll help :)
done :D