K3b Debian Etch deb
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:K3B Homepage: http://k3b.org/
Thx to the Maintainers of this Project for coding such a nice Application.
K3B for Debian etch including all Plugins.
Please deinstall k3b and libk3b2 before you install these packages.
If something is not installed use: apt-get -f install
This is my sources.list:
deb http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/debian/ etch main contrib non-free
deb-src http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/debian/ etch main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ etch main
This not an official deb from the k3b-maintainer- team or the debian-maintainer-Team, use it at your own risk.
Greetings seraphyn
* Build a new package with k3b and k3b-i18n Version 1.0.4
* Build a new package with k3b and k3b-i18n Version 1.0.3
* Build a new package with k3b and k3b-i18n Version 1.0.2
See changelog :
K3B Homepage: http://k3b.org/
for more Information about the changes in k3b.
Ratings & Comments
I was looking a good cd burner that supports multisessions in my debian etch. My old brasero in my old gnome fails in this task. Thanks you :)
* Silently (without introducing new strings for translation) allow the burning of files bigger than 4 GB with appropriate versions of genisoimage or mkisofs. Arrg! I needed this 2 days ago. Had to boot windows to burn the file. *shudder*... ;)
K3b for Debian???. Debian users doesn't need gui applications, only command line. XD
Shure, what about http://bashburn.sourceforge.net/ ;) Nice App too. But sometimes, wouldn't it be nice to have a programm that could do more for you ;) Greetz Seraphyn
Why in the HELL it is needed to remove thunar and XFCE for this installation to work??? Can enyone explain?
? This is not from my package, try to find out, from where it is, because, my packages doesn't provide any maintainerscripts, and the software you're told me, is not installed on my Systems ;) Where does this happens ? This is the online deinstallation you have to do: <quote>Please deinstall k3b and libk3b2 before you install these packages.</quote> seraphyn
I tryed all kinds of k3b i have found... i have done a lot of downloads of .debs k3bs and no one works... I downloaded svn and bz2 from the k3b site... and none works...NONE! The one whos works for me was that one from here! AWESOME! After two months trying install it, the one from this site was the unique whos works! Congratulations!!
Thanks, nice to hear. Greets Seraphyn
Excuse me, please holder of that blog. I please you to do not Link Files directly and was bandwith of other persons, like Pictures and deb files. There is no Problem to set up a link to that Page here, but the thing you're doin' is not the right way. Thanks in advance Seraphyn
have somebody repository for Kubuntu Edgy? i must manualy download lot of a packages.
http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources Greetings
yeah i try it. thx man ;)
it's working on ubuntu (7.04) too:P
Thanks for this working packaging for Debian. I installed on my Debian SID based box (SIDUX) and it is working just fine. Best Regards, Mike Kranidis
works fine. Thank you.
Thanks Greetings Seraphyn
Please leave a Comment if somthing getting wrong, or everything works fine and you got another Hint. And don't forget to vote ;) Thanks in advance Seraphyn