File Fitter
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:assists you when searching for files that fit best to your CD or DVD media
without wasting too much space.
- this program is ALPHA quality, may or may not break things and may or may not
work as expected.
- currently drag and drop does not work between FileFitter and CDBakeOven. As
it does not work between K3B and CDBakeOven either and that program hasn't
been updated for quite a while I consider drag and drop broken in CDBakeOven.
Please correct me (and the program..) if I am wrong.
Other programs than CDBakeOven and K3B have not been tested yet.
- IMPORTANT: currently FileFitter puts all files it finds into ONE directory so
it may be only suitable for few large files which you don't mind to be put in
a single directory.
- there are a few minor unresolved problems, namely file name encoding and
remaining space calculation
Extract the archive, run the statically linked program that can be found inside
the newly created directory. If it does not run, compile the ugly and untidy
code by typing "make". Sorry, no install or even uninstall targets yet. I will
pay more attention to that if there is some feedback.
This is how it works:
- start the program
- set up your desired file size thresholds
- select what media you plan to use
- click "next", the program now searches for files that fit your media best.
- drag the files into you favourite CD/DVD burning program
This program is GPL software and uses code by myself and modified code from
public domain TrollTech examples (specifically, the DDListView subclasses that
support Drag&Drop). See LICENSE for details.
Thanks to all Free Software Open Source Coders,
a newbie KDE/Qt programmer has learnt a lot from you the last days.
TO ALL FELLOW CODERS: if you have a look into my source please tell me your
suggestions, I guess there is a lot potential for improvement...
Rene Schmidt (rs at reneschmidt dot d-e)
0.4-fixed a bug that caused ff to delete wrong elements from the internal
binary file tree
0.3-code beautified a bit, page traversing works (meaning you can start over
without restarting the program), listView gets correctly sorted by file size,
Drag&Drop support between CDBakeOven and FileFitter DROPPED (see above)
0.2-german translation completed
0.1-initial release
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
continue working on this, its very usefull!