simple bluemote konfig

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This is a small "konfigure and run" script for bluemote allowing You to run remote bluetooth control for various media players without using console.

This blumote bluetooth control will let You control Your PC with an Ericsson mobile phone - i test it on Sony-Ericsson T610.

Pls note that amarok option gives You a possibility to send commands to console and see the results as well. So u can remotely shut down Your computer or for examble disable Your home surveillance software like "Motion".

It's made in Kommander and it's a really smalls script just to make starting remote controle easier. I use it to control kaffeine and amarok by my Ericsson t610 mobile via bluetooth. But u can control practicaly everything and also execute shell commands (for example using "amarok" configuration

To use it You need:
bluemote (doc says u can also use it with irda).

for bluetooth interface i use bluez-libs and bluez-utils


and some bluemote configure scripts - i used the ones i found on

these config files- slightly modified are included in my tar.

All You need to do to make it run is to install all the above mentioned programs (You don't need the config files because i included them). Copy the files that are included im my tar.gz to the directory ~/.bluemote which is the directory bluemote should be installed to (remember not ~/bluemote but ~/.bluemote)

the run the configure script by ./bluemote_konfig

So when u create a shortcut u can run remote control for a media player just with 2 clicks. Then the pc-remote apears in ur accesorries menu in ur ericsson telephone as shown on the second screenshot

On my yoper linux i had to execute

mknod -m 660 /dev/rfcomm0 c 216 0
chmod 777 /dev/rfcomm0

from root account to create rfcomm device before i could use any bluetooth device

If u have some suggestions feel free to post them
Last changelog:

0.36 to 0.37
another bugfix reported by ktech - bluemote execution path is now ~/.bluemote/bluemote so if You want to use another (newer/modified) bluemote You have to put its binary to ~/.bluemote

PS. I have only 1 bt device which is my T610 so for now i can't work on multi device support (menu to choose on of several detected BT devices)

0.35 to 0.36
small fix to allow those users who don't have permisions to hciconfig (for non-root acounts), to use the scanning option - thanks for reports ktech

anyway try to be sure that hciconfig is in ur path and that You have exec rights to it

0.31 to 0.35
-added support for bt device names handling
-some dialogs informing about hcid daemon not beeing run

-hcid daemon is beeing starded when bringing up hci interface

Pls note that amarok option gives You a possibility to send commands to console and see the results as well. So u can remotely shut down Your computer or for examble disable Your home surveillance software like "Motion".

0.3 to 0.31
-removed device binding with buttons for kaffeine,OOffice and KMplayer
-removed unnecesary .sh files
-fixed hard-link in bluemote_konfig bash file

0.21 to 0.3
display of bluetooth interface state and also current bind device state

buttons devided in groups

operations that require root passowrd are separated from the nonroot ones to make using bluemote konfig more comfortable
(seperate binding and bt interface operations, so now when u want to change for example bluemote controle from amarok to kaffeine u don't need to introduce root password)

0.2 to 0.21
bugfix: added the scripts that were missing

0.1 to 0.2

added - wait messages
added - release connections button
modified - now You only need to extract this package in Your home folder - because it includes bluemote binary and bluemote configure scripts

- selection beteween more then 1 detected BT devices

- more gui controlled options like hci interface number, rfcomm device, charset etc.

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Can anyone help me contact the bluemote author? The contacts liste in his page are obsolete. My email is


I think you're going to release 0.37 very soon :D

I found the reason why bluemote binary wasn't being invoked. I don't know why, but executing bluemote is not enought at least here in gentoo. It's solved by running $home(that symbol)/.bluemote/bluemote, and it works.

In my setup, I have changed this line in all the four sections (amarok, presenter, kaffeine, etc):

@exec("killall bluemote;rm -f ~/.bluemote/bluemote.cfg;ln -s ~/.bluemote/bluemote-amarok.cfg ~/.bluemote/bluemote.cfg;bluemote");
@exec("killall bluemote;rm -f ~/.bluemote/bluemote.cfg;ln -s ~/.bluemote/bluemote-amarok.cfg ~/.bluemote/bluemote.cfg;~/.bluemote/bluemote");


u r right- i forgot about it because my version of bluemote in ~/.bluemote is identical to the one installed by bluemote maka install i'll post the fixed version soon thx for ur support


hey polrus, do you abandone the project? This one a very useful one.
Thanks for all your work, it's very apreciated here.


not at all :) i just forgot about this small bugfix :)


oh that's nice... I'll try later, as I'm rebuilding my box. Thanks and cheers!


hey, sorry for bashing this.

I have just discovered that hciconfig is not in my path, as it's in /usr/sbin. If I change hciconfig by /usr/sbin/hciconfig, your script scans very well (even when it still doesn't work).

What could be the problem? Is /usr/sbin supposed to be in the path? Or is hciconfig supposed to be installed on another path?

Thanks a lot and sorry for screwing up this forum.


yes it (/usr/sbin) should IMHO be in ur path - i have it and it works


I can't make it to work. If I enable some modules on newerer bluez kernels, I can connect my k700 and I can control the mouse pointer and make clicks and the like, but no amarok or openoffice specific controls. Any tip? What modules should I insmod? Should I run the hidd daemon? Cheers, LuisMi


This question is to bluemote author bluemote for now is designed to run on Ericsson T610 , if u are lucky u can make it work on others but no gurantees


yes, but I have a modified version of bluemote that works for k700i.

What I don't know is if I need some special modules loaded (something like hci, or something).

By the way, should I run bluemote appart from bluemote_konfig? I see it's not started when I use bluemote_konfig...

Perhaps a use guide would be good... (or I'm missing something)...


bluemote_konfig runs the included bluemote program executable from ~/.bluemote so if u put ur newer version of bluemote executable into ~/.bluemote this new version will be run.


I am supposed to see bluemote in the list of currently running processes at any time in the process? I can't seem to find it running...


I'm trying to track where the problem is. I think this is not the main problem, but scanning of bluetooth devices doesn't work. It worked on earlier versions, but not on latest:

File scanning.txt never gets created, so I create it manually by doing hcitool scan > scanning.txt and it works, so it's not a problem with hcitool or something like that. Do you know where can be the problem?

I'll investigate more problems as far as this one is solved.

Thanks a lot and cheers!


sorry, but on my system, hciconfig can only be runed as root, so my user cannot find it and the script doesn't work.

As I just said, I think that's not the problem with bluemote don't running and all not working, but I'm going to investigate if hciconfig should be available to root too.



yes You are right - pushing the button "scan for a BT device" runs hciconfig to determine if the interface is up becasue when it's down the scaninng doesnt work. it looks for "UP" state of hci0 , and if it's not UP than it says that the interface is down - so when the user doesnt have rights to execute hciconfig the the script doesnt find "UP" word and it doesn't start scanning so my advice would by for u to add execution right for regular users to hciconfig command i'll now patch the script to avoid that situation, thx for the report


I just want to thank you for your efforts, making this nice app for bluemote! My post was just plainly compressed scripts, and unfriendly. So this app is very cool and great move ahead! :)


newer version (0.35) don't seems to work well. I can't search for devices. Is there any way to run it in debug mode to see the output of the messages of the commands performed? Thanks!


is Your bluetooth interface in UP state? if not use "bring PC bluetooth up" pls report further


don't work on my k700. I think I readed at some place that changing the channel would work, so I'm going to test changing the kmdr file and will report ;)


if u find out- in next version i'll add an option to choose the channel


in the bluemote_konfig file, you should remove the /home/polrus harding and change it with something like $home, or something like that. anyways, it doesn't work: ktech@evanescence ~/.bluemote $ ./bluemote_konfig KommanderFactory::loadPlugins - '/usr/kde/devel/lib/' isn't a Kommander Plugin library, skipping. (I'm using kommander from svn, so perhaps that's the problem...)


second problem is solved and is not the problem of your software.

First problem (the hardlink) must be still solved ;)


thx for the reports - hardlink fixed in 0.31


i'll just repeat what is written above " To use it You need: bluemote (doc says u can also use it with irda)." but in version 0.2 i inclueded a bluemote binary also (check the changelog)

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version 0.37
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