Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
* Saves memory.
* Faster startup.
* You don't need to align your konsole windows by hand.
* You have a lot more screen real estate.
* Navigation is easier, using arrow keys.
* All konsoles can be minimized/maximized at once.
* QuadKonsole occupies only one slot in the taskbar.
2007-03-26 Simon Perreault
* Released 2.0.2.
2006-10-10 Jonas Hurrelmann
* Keyboard paste support.
2006-09-22 Norbert Thiebaud
* Fix up and down keys when using more than 2 columns.
Ratings & Comments
I've just recently started to use QuadKonsole and quite like it — it does what I miss in Konsole. But there is one thing that I miss in QuadKonsole — Konsole sessions. For instance I would like one of the konsoles in the grid to be a "Administrator session" as I have it defined in my Konsole settings. Would this be possible to do? Btw, what would make QuadKonsole seriously kick arse, is if it had an possibility to resize the konsoles (even more so, if it would have a kind of a window manager of its own ...imagine like having several Konsole/Urxvt windows open in dwm/wmii) :D
This application is GREAT! Especially on a wide screen monitor. But how can I make write in all the opened konsoles at once (konsole has this feature of broadcasting the input to all opened tabs). It would be nice to be able to do this.
I updated my Debian packages to 2.0.2: deb http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke/debs sid-jr/ If you need architectures other than amd64 use: deb-src http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke/debs sid-jr/
I added i386 packages, so you only need sources for architectures other than i386 and amd64.
This thing rocks! The deb for ubuntu is here : http://nomis80.org/quadkonsole/ I installed it on Edgy and it works great
This thing rocks! The deb for ubuntu is here : http://nomis80.org/quadkonsole/ I installed it on Edgy and it works great
This thing rocks! The deb for ubuntu is here : http://nomis80.org/quadkonsole/ I installed it on Edgy and it works great
Works for Kubuntu 7.04alpha3 :)
A Slackware 11.0 package is ready to download! http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=29&func=fileinfo&id=1389
Here is the SUSE 10.1 RPM: http://susept.com/fileserv/vixiado/rpms/Quadkonsole-2.0-1.i586.rpm This package should work on others SUSE versions... Let me know if you got troubles installing this package. Cheers, Carlos Gonçalves
This works well. I read an article on linux.com http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/09/15/1858220 and had a difficult time figuring out how to install this till I found the SUSE version here.
Hi, I installed the rpm in my SuSe 10 without any trouble but once I type quadkonsole, I got the following massage quadkonsole: error while loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I also added the created icon to my taskbar and tried that way but it didn't work either. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance, Ismail
Thanks for this app, i get these warnings but its does work allix@allix:~$ quadkonsole Uh oh.. can't write data.. Uh oh.. can't write data.. Uh oh.. can't write data.. Uh oh.. can't write data.. quadkonsole: [void QuadKonsole::partDestroyed()] quadkonsole: [virtual void QuadKonsole::customEvent(QCustomEvent*)] Uh oh.. can't write data.. quadkonsole: [void QuadKonsole::partDestroyed()] quadkonsole: [virtual void QuadKonsole::customEvent(QCustomEvent*)]
Great app! Your app is quite useful in many situations. Thanks a lot! But would it be possible to add tabbed view, so that new tabs could be started (like in konsole). In that way one instance of quadkonsole will be enough! Another small request :) is it possible to add possiblity to resize individual konsoles in the quadsole? Thanks again.
1st Thx for this great App. 2nd Resizing would be great and would be a killfeature Greetz
How about a version without scrollbars, so there is more space? I don't use them anyway :)
Just remove them! I always do so. Right-click -> Settings -> Scrollbar -> Hide. Right-click -> Settings -> Save as Default. Close QuadKonsole. Start QuadKonsole. Voilà!
Great work!
Quadkonsole (2.0) available in Debian at http://pacotesdeb.codigolivre.org.br/ Requeriment: KDE 3.4
Im in love.....wouldnt believe how annoyed I am having to swap between 4-8 terminals, or having to shuffle them around, so thanks this is a time saver. Ive got Mandrake 10 on this machine only two minor headaches 1. I had to create a link: ln -s /usr/lib/libGL.la /usr/X11R6/lib/ 2. The default install directory isnt in my path so I did the following cd src/ && cp cp quadkonsole /usr/local/bin then all was well.
Hi, Nice work! I spend a lot of time to administer clusters. Konsole is my favorite terminal, however I'm going to use quadkonsole in the future. Toth
I'm glad you like it!
This is a really great tool. Add a detaching feature as well as allowing to add and close konsole windows would make it really perfect.
Very nice tool. One comment, though. Maybe you could use F1-F4 to switch consoles?
Configurable shortcuts would be better... ;-) Otherwise great SysAdmin tool!