Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
for Gentoo Ebuild ,Arch pkgbuild, Ubuntu/Debian Package
Install script tested on Gentoo/Arch/Ubuntu
*************************** README ***************************
Supporting Accounts : Voipbuster, Voipdiscount, Otenet,12voip,freevoip,lowratevoip,voipbusterpro
This Program was inspired by the SMS program on Cool4U found on Gentoo Forums
Full Release
** Installed from package manager
1) You can run the programm by running pysmssend command
2) Use pysmssend -h to see the help documentation
3) If you dont use any parameter the gui installation will start ( for Gentoo users, you should have installed the program using qt4 flag )
** Install using included scripts
Untar the tarball and run as root the install.sh script
On the folder where you untar the program run the uninstall.sh script
Please delete on your own the folder ~/.pysmssend
Please mind the followings when using the command line tool
1) Use " " if you username,password,text incluse special characters or ! please escape the character as the example below
lets say the password is test!@ , write it as test !@
2) Text should be included in " " if you use the space character
***************************CHANGE LOG********************
** 1.48
1) Fix accounts for Forthnet and Voipbuster providers
2) Clean up
** 1.45
1) Fix local variable bug ( bug #3002071 )
2) Fix Betamax login page url
** 1.44
1) Code clean up
2) Pennytel support
3) Fix connection bugs for betamax sites
** 1.42
1) Code clean up
2) Support Forthnet Greek ISP
3) Compatible with PyQt4-4.5
4) Drop support for Yahoo provider
I strongly suggest to update to this version if you are using the betamax services
1) Code has been re-written for betamax sites due to compatibility issues
2) Code clean up
1) Fixed bug with addressbook initialization
1) Improved control for message report
2) Tray icon has been re-written
3) Added voipcheap support
4) Added -v option when running Gui. Verbose output
5) Fix feedback when sending a message.
6) Remember Me checkbox is now by default checked.
7) Check for updates when the program starts. Compatibility fixed for both kde3+kde4 kaddressbook. Needs more testing though
1) Added JustVoip support
2) Small bugfixes
3) Updated for python2.5 support
Major fixes in this version
Since betamax change the way users login to their site I had to re-write most of the code so you should except some problems
So the changes are
1) Betamax accounts do not need to login anymore. You just fill all the info (username,password,number,text) and then click the Send button
2) Because of the that ,credits left module wont be available (for now) for betamax sites
3) Some code cleanup
4) Fixed install script
5) Donate tab on About menu
1)Wrong Credits Left Indication after message sent fixed
2)Added WebcallDirect Support (Beta)
3)Modular application. Application is splitted into multiple files. Now
its much faster and can be maintained more easily
1)Unicode support for services that support it
2)Yahoo sms service added
Compatibility fix with python2.4
minor code fixes
Minor code fix
1) Improved addressbook code. Faster code. Contacts are stored in memory not in file
2) Account manager for multiple accounts
3) Bug fixes
a) Fixed login check control to above Betamaxes pop up mesages
b) Fixed credits left function
4) Tray Icon informing you about login status and sms report
5) Update options. Notifies you if there is update or not
1) Python 2.5 compatibility fixed
1) One main interface. Main and Addressbook are now on program
2) Support for
a) Voipbusterpro
b) Lowrate
c) 12voip
d) Freevoip
3) Messages left and Credits left now appear on Gui and on cmd tool. User wont be able to send sms if the credits are
Ratings & Comments
Γειά χαρά, i don't maintain any more the Mandriva rpm, i do the rpm for Mageia http://www.mageia-gr.org/rpm/2/noarch/pysmssend-1.48-1mgr2.noarch.rpm A question, it is ok that this file has the 1.45 version ? /home/dglent/rpm/BUILDROOT/pysmssend-1.48-1mgr2.x86_64/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysmssend-1.45-py2.7.egg-info
Thank you for packaging it. Yeah the setup.py file has the wrong version number but it should cause no problems.
i have installed it without problems in an opensuse 11.4 and i have no problems sending messages directly from the command line as this: pysmssend -v -a voipdiscount -u textnumbers -p text -n 123456789 "message" but when it comes to register to the voipdiscount account from the gui i get the following error: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'foobar' referenced before assignment as i wrote in the command line above, user name it's only letters and number and generally no special characters contained. Could you help me to understand what i'm doing wrong? All in all it's a very nice app, gratz ;). ty in advance
Hiho :D Thx for your work! But did you will support the CherrySMS Service it sent sms for 2,5€/Cent and is extreme popular in germany... Thx and best wishes from hamburg / germany
Hi, SMS integration into KDE is a really good thing. There are quite a few of these apps on KDE-Apps. Unfortunately most of these only support a few services. Your app seems bigger. May be you could win the other devs for a joint SMS-app, which - uses the KDE-adressbook / Akonadi as a resource for the mobile no - allows to integrate new services via the KDENEWSTUFF-API The later would be very, very useful. Personally I would be happy to see: Skype-SMS, http://www.sloono.de/ (SMS-Service for Germany and Switzerland), API is here: http://www.sloono.de/API/ and SMS3000 (a good German service http://sms3000.de/) integrated.
Many thanks. I will add it on homepage as well :)
Update rpm : http://www.mandrivalinux.gr/rpm/2010.1/noarch/pysmssend-1.44-1mgr2010.1.noarch.rpm
Thank you I updated the webpage as well
Please try the beta version on http://pysmssend.sourceforge.net/ (pysmssend 1.35) Let me know if everything is ok now :) Many thanks
I just found the error Thanks for mention it I ll have an update as soon as possible
Hi, because of missing encrypt.pyc inserting the accounts fails from myinserts.py. pysmssend calls python2.4, which fails and cp encrypt.pyc to/usr/lib doesn't work on 64bit machines. Greetings m0nk
I cannot verify that Encryption was never imported in official releases.just on beta ones but then decided not to implement this function Are you using the beta version or the official 1.34 released? Thanks
Hi, version 1.3.4 from the link above. But there are two links to 1.3.4. I tried both, one leading to sf.net, the second directly to a download. Greetings m0nk
Hi, just tested version 1.2.8 and it works on voipdiscount as on lowratevoip. Thank you m0nk
:) :) :) Thats nice :) Enjoy :)
Any chance of supporting yahoo which allows sending of free sms? http://www.russellbeattie.com/notebook/1008570.html Thats a link to a site explaining it and has a form to submit a sms through yahoo.
Hey man Yes I ll have a look at this and if possible i ll add yahoo on next version :)
This version fixes the bug that was found on command line interface when a distro had Python 2.5 instead of 2.4
Oh my god that is so weird No you dont need to have credits to login. It works fine on me What distro are you using? I assume that you are using the install/uninstall scripts As far as I know python modules are in /usr/lib/python2.X At least this is the path on Gentoo/Arch/Debian I checked The uninstall script assumes that modules are installed on the above path and not on /usr/local/etcetc So please delete the modules from /usr/local/ etc and also delete the /usr/share/pysmssend folder and run install.sh once more. But please make sure that you deleted the modules because the bugfixes concern all the modules Let me know and thanks for the debugging :)
Fixed lowrate voip login error Thanks man :)
Hi again, sorry, but commandline returns the same error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/pysmssend", line 426, in <module> if len(iter) < 4:#if arguments are less than 4 And login still doesn't work from GUI!? Do I need credits for being able to login? I didn't mean the program, but the python modules get installed to /usr/local/lib/python2.5, where they will not be found by interpreter. So I changed your install script to: python setup.py install --prefix=/usr Greetings m0nk
1) I think you should not use " " except the text part. As far as I can see you didnt secified a text . so you sould use pysmssend -a lowratevoip -u bla -p bla -n 123 "Hello" Give that a try. 2) You used the installed script? Its copies everything on /usr/share/pysmssend. I think the deb packages copies everything on /usr/local 3) I am working on login error. I didnt have a lowrate account so I create one and I am trying to fix the problem. Thank you very much I ll write back when the new version is available
Hi, after installing, pysmssend shows up the following error: pysmssend -a "lowratevoip" -u "XXXXXXXX" -p "XXXXXXXX" -n "XXXXXXXXXXX" ----> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/pysmssend", line 426, in <module> if len(iter) < 4:#if arguments are less than 4 TypeError: object of type 'dictionary-itemiterator' has no len() Btw. Your install script copies files to /usr/local. That doesn't work here, too Oh, login to lowrateip fails also in GUI, but works in browser. Any suggestions? Greetings m0nk
Thats pretty cool. You mean you changed just the variables and the name on the url huh? I could add it on next version. Thank you very much :)