kopete irc plugin
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Please donate for honoring several weeks of work and motivation for making the plugin better.
Now with packages on opensuse buildservice project home:cyberbeat.
After compilation you may simply create a rpm/deb/.. package by calling "cpack -G RPM"
0.1.2: better handling (gui updates) for large channels/server-messages, work on kopete modifications
0.1.1: cmakefile changes
0.1: The first version supports only a minimal feature set, some things are still missing, and the code has to be refactored for the next version.
Ratings & Comments
Back again, and I have to recognize that nothing happened. The newer *lib is still unsupported. Perhaps it would be better to write directly to the kopete maintainers, because support for the irc protocol should be included in kopete itsself out-of-the-box and not via additional plugin.
Hi, an irc plugin for kopete would be superb! as there is no reasonable alternative now for kde4 (speaking about kopete only,sure). Could you please update kopete-plugins-irc to the newest release of libircclient-qt which is now at 0.5, the working one so far seems to be 0.3.2. I believe many distributions bundle the new version and this would help many people use the kopete plugin. Many thanks! Regards, marek
Sorry, but the installation failed on Kubuntu 10.10. "Maverick". The file "libircclient" is not available on Kubuntu, instead of this there's a package (the successor) called "libircclient1". Is it possible to adjust the install script? Provided that your plugin works with it.
mayby anyone have deb x32 ubuntu with this plugin ? why this plugin is not on ubuntu repository
I am on the last steps to install your irc client for kopete. I have found and downloaded/installed qmake, found and downloaded/installed libircclient-qt 0.3.2 Now I am about to compile your code. I am a newbie and have never used cmake. What options if any do i need to use and do I just run cmake from the irc directory created by the tar file for the irc client? should I run cmake with sudo? I really do not want to mess this up after all the work it took to get this far. Thank you in advance for any help.
I saw that cmake had an -i option which runs it in wizard mode so I tried that and took all the defaults at all the prompts for input. I then tried to do a cpack -G DEB but it asked for a package name. So I did a make (i saw that the cmake had created a make file) followed by sudo make install. The sudo make install failed with the message :make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. I am going to stop now and wait for you to respond so I do not do any more damage.
Wondering if there is a new release of this great project :)
nice to hear you like it. for me it serves its purpose. I would be glad, if someone likes to take over this project. There is already a new version of libircclient-qt. some donations could also motivate me to implement some new features.
Yes i saw, libircclient-qt 0.4, does kopete-irc compiles okay with it?
no, I think it will not.
Running Kopete 1.0.0 on either KDE 4.4.3 or 4.3.5. OpenSuse 11.2 RPM. Upon trying to connect to IRC, Kopete crashes. strace shows: kopete: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/kde4/kopete_irc.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData7detach3Ev
from which repository did you install kopete? and from where libircclient-qt? If all other fails, you have to compile it by yourself.
I used the one click install above (so, from here: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/cyberbeat/openSUSE_11.2/x86_64). I can compile this myself if need be (I did for xfire), but I try to use YaST whenever possible.
I got Kopete on my 4.4.3 from here: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.2/x86_64/ My friend who tested it on 4.3.5 was using standard opensuse 11.2.
I compiled it myself and replaced the .so file. It is now functioning. Thanks.
I have found a bug in kopete, which make this plugin always connect without password. I hope this will be fixed soon, so that the password from configuration will be used.
after much pain i got the plugin to compile. i can see a "/usr/local/lib/kde4/kopete_irc.so" being created. however, no sign of irc in kopete, neither in "protocols" nor in "plugins". do i have to copy the created lib somewhere? or recompile kopete? help! manuel
do you have installed kopete in /usr/local? if not you should configure cmake to install it in /usr (run ccmake)
thank you for your quick help. kopete is in its default konfiguration, out-of-the-kubuntu-box. binary is /usr/bin/kopete with many .so files in /usr/lib and /usr/lib/kde4 ccmake not installed. is it necessary to kompile kopete to add a new plugin? isnt exactly the sense of a plugin.. in short, where are (additional) plugins registered in kopete? thanks again, manuel
..i cant edit my posts here? thats what ccmake tells me how it compiles the irc-plugin: Quote:
Automoc4_DIR */usr/lib/automoc4
IRCCLIENT_INCLUDE_DIR */usr/include/ircclient-qt
IRCCLIENT_LIBRARY */usr/lib/libircclient-qt.so
KDE4_DATA_DIR */usr/share/kde4/apps
KDE4_KDECONFIG_EXECUTABLE */usr/bin/kde4-config
KDE4_PLASMA_OPENGL_FOUND */usr/include/plasma/glapplet.h
KOPETE_INCLUDE_DIR */usr/include
KOPETE_LIBRARIES */usr/lib/libkopete.so
QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE */usr/bin/qmake
probably " CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX */usr/local" should be changed?
i already tried
cp /usr/local/lib/kde4/kopete_irc.so /usr/include/
cp /usr/local/lib/kde4/kopete_irc.so /usr/lib/
obviously i am all new to kopete and how the folders of kde work exactly.. bear with me! :-)
yes, change "/usr/local" to "/usr" in ccmake. then "generate" the makefiles. then do "make". then a) sudo make install or (if you are able to install DEB packages): b) cpack -G DEB (then a deb package should be created, which you should be able to install with your distributions package tools)
yay, that did the trick! thank you a lot, all is working now! i wonder why i seem to be the first one to have these problems.. thank you for your quick and professional help! manuel
i dont kno how to install it, mayby it very easy so meyby somone put here command to paste in terminal ? grek@grek-laptop:/tmp/irc$ cpack -G DEB CPack Error: CPack project name not specified
have to correct myself: "do you have installed kopete in /usr/local? if not you should configure cmake to install it in /usr (run ccmake)" means "do you have installed kopete in /usr/local? if not you should configure cmake to install the irc-plugin in /usr (run ccmake)"
I get some compiler error like this: /home/HobbyBlobby/package/irc/ircaccount.cpp: In constructor ‘IRCAccount::IRCAccount(IRCProtocol*, const QString&)’: /home/HobbyBlobby/package/irc/ircaccount.cpp:156: error: ‘class Irc::Session’ has no member named ‘connectSlotsByName’ Full output at: http://pastebin.com/m263c4ff5 Thanks for help.