Description: someone should make a torrent searching program like torrent harvester and bit ch, these programs are on windows, these programs search torrent sites and show the results on one page.
link to: torrent harvester: bit che:
Please don't use this site as an idea repository...
- KTorrent has a search plugin (but it don't aggregate the results)
- You can try to use wine with your windows program
this is not my program also torrent harvester will not work on wine because it runs on .net framework, ( it does not work on mono)also ktorrent only search one site at a time torrent harvester and bit che searches a whole load of site and displays the results with no ad or spyware. just check out the torrent harvester website for more info.
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If you aren't posting content, let us know in the name of the post and don't put it at version 1.0.
There are lots of websites that provide meta-searches for torrents, too.
also great qttorrent has got search engines
Please don't use this site as an idea repository... - KTorrent has a search plugin (but it don't aggregate the results) - You can try to use wine with your windows program
this is not my program also torrent harvester will not work on wine because it runs on .net framework, ( it does not work on mono)also ktorrent only search one site at a time torrent harvester and bit che searches a whole load of site and displays the results with no ad or spyware. just check out the torrent harvester website for more info.