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UbuDSL is a tool that helps you configure the ADSL connection using a USB modem on the Linux Operating System.
Currently supported distributions are Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 8.10 and openSUSE 11.0.

It is designed in the way to minimize user actions. All you have to do is simply to run the application, choose a predefined settings or customize you own options.

*Adrian Łubik (adrian5632) - programmer
*Emil Cabaj - graphics

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just for knowledge... ubuntu is one the thousands linux distro.. what make it so special to make you able to support only ubuntu? does ubudsl search for a particular configuration file or what? LINUX is one, and only one... have no sense to say: i support only ubuntu


and btw... on 32bit libdir is /usr/lib on 64 bit is /usr/lib64 ;) that allow you to run 32 bit software in a 64 bit system without break the existing libs


and btw part2 ;) i taked a fast look on source code, you should not provide precompiled binaries and libs because they are linked with ones available on the system, thay may break program because for example the lib wants hello.so but i may have hello1.so you should provide the sources of that libs and binaries and with your make file you should allow to compile them



ubuntu is one the thousands linux distro.. what make it so special to make you able to support only ubuntu?
Tell me where is written that Ubuntu is the only one supported distribution? It was, but, the project grew up and now more distros are suppoted. Quote:
does ubudsl search for a particular configuration file or what?
UbuDSL depends on the package manager. Currently supported are apt and zypper, so the distros that UbuDSL should work on are Debian, Ubuntu (and Ubuntu based), PCLinuxOS, openSUSE. Quote:
on 64 bit is /usr/lib64
Not in Ubuntu. On Ubuntu, system architecture libs are placed in /usr/lib. Quote:
you should not provide precompiled binaries and libs because they are linked with ones available on the system, thay may break program because for example the lib wants hello.so but i may have hello1.so
The application was originally created for Ubuntu and, as you know, Ubuntu is contained on only one CD. And if only there were placed also the packages with needed software, the mentioned binaries wouldn't be attached to UbuDSL. Moreover, attached br2684ctl binaries are depended only on the atm library which is also attached (this lib does'nt require anything else than what the system provides).



Tell me where is written that Ubuntu is the only one supported distribution? It was, but, the project grew up and now more distros are suppoted.
i red that on your anwer to madsheytan, if i'm wrong i'm sorry... Quote:
on 64 bit is /usr/lib64
Not in Ubuntu. On Ubuntu, system architecture libs are placed in /usr/lib.
that confirm that you support ubuntu only, let me try to explain why 64bit list should be on /usr/lib64 and not in /usr/lib i like you program, that ones are only suggestions to improve that. consider that like constructives critics 32 bit systems can run ONLY 32 bit programs, so there is no problem the libdir IS /usr/lib 64 bit systems insted are able to run both, 32 and 64 bit programs use /usr/lib to push 32 bit libs and /usr/lib64 to push 64 bit libs allow you to use IN THE SAME TIME the same program compiled on 32 or 64 bit, without break the system why the system could be broken? is easy. think you have a program called "A" you want to install the 32bit version of that program, you can do it, 64bit can run 32bit software, 32 bit software dependes OF COURSE on 32bit libraries so you need to install al 32bit dependencies.. thinks that A dependes from a core lib, if you use /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 you have no problems.. no overwritten files exist but if you usa only /usr/lib folder, because the lib have the same name (is only compiled on 32bit) you will OVERWRITE the 64bit lib breaking you system... that's why, all SMART distros (i.e. openSUSE and lots of others) have different libdirs... that's why ubuntu have so many problems on 64bits, that's why ubuntu IS NOT ready for advanced systems like servers. and bye the way, using /usr/lib64 will not break ubuntu package because on what i know on ubuntu /usr/lib64 is a symlink to /usr/lib Quote:
you should not provide precompiled binaries and libs because they are linked with ones available on the system, thay may break program because for example the lib wants hello.so but i may have hello1.so
The application was originally created for Ubuntu and, as you know, Ubuntu is contained on only one CD. And if only there were placed also the packages with needed software, the mentioned binaries wouldn't be attached to UbuDSL. Moreover, attached br2684ctl binaries are depended only on the atm library which is also attached (this lib does'nt require anything else than what the system provides).
you have to make attention to sonames. check for example that bug: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=406462 the same problem i'm telling you was happened on XBMC that provided PRECOMPILED libs on ubuntu the libs was linked to a lib with that soname: libjasper-1.701.so.1()(64bit) but suse have that one istead: libjasper.so.1()(64bit) even if libjasper-1.701.so.1 exist because it is a symlink to libjasper.so.1



i red that on your anwer to madsheytan, if i'm wrong i'm sorry...
That's why I wrote that it was, but not is (look at the date of the comment you were suggested by - since that comment UbuDSL has been rewritten). Quote:
that confirm that you support ubuntu only, let me try to explain why 64bit list should be on /usr/lib64 and not in /usr/lib
It's not my fault that 64-bit Ubuntu version has native libraries in /usr/lib (32-bit libraries on a 64-bit version of Ubuntu are placed in the /usr/lib32 directory). You can easily install the UbuDSL library in the /usr/lib64 directory, by adding argument 'CONFIG+=lib64' while invoking the configure script. For example for openSUSE packages building the script command looks exactly like that: ./configure "CONFIG+=amd64\ lib64\ SoundModule" But yes, it is my fault that I haven't written about it in the README file. I'll add note about this. Quote:
consider that like constructives critics
That's what I do. I just simply reply to your comments. I don't blame you about anything. Finally, according to the attached libraries. The only application using the atm library is br2684ctl and only for this command the LD_LIBRARY_PATH macro is set to point this library. So, the only problem that would happen (in my view) is a trouble with invoking the br2684ctl command (if I'm wrong, correct me).


I have a Sagem F@st800 and i'm a newbie on Linux bases... I have Ubuntu 7.10 and i thanks all helping me... I'm using the SO Windows but want to only use Ubuntu or another (Kubuntu or Xubuntu)...


Some days later dsl connection will be set on my computer. I think, this program is good thing for it.


does it works with slackware?


No, this application is designed for Ubuntu-based distros only.


maybe you can make it for slackware, and others distros? you sholud think about 'TP livebox' too. I'm sure there is alot of people will using it ;) i would be grateful if you make that app for anther distros. greetings, dude ;)


No, I won't add support for more distros. I think that U even don't know much time it takes and work to do to support only Ubuntu. I still need to improve this support. Moreover I'm seventeen and I go to school, so I think U should understand. And what's the problem with livebox? In Ubuntu 7.10 everything works fine except one model of the wifi dongle. Now in Ubuntu 7.10 even this dongle is working great - U don't have to do anything, just plug the dongle in and click on the NetworkManager icon to connect (I know what I say, because I also have livebox and connect through the wifi dongle).


I meant in Ubuntu 7.04 one dongle didn't work;)


Is this KDE application or Qt application? If it is KDE, it can stay here but if it dont use any KDE styles, icons, color-schemas, it should go to http://qt-apps.org site. This site is for KDE applications what follows KDE related configs. Thank you your time.


When I run "UbuDSL - configuration" from K menu shortcut, it is started without privileges and firmware is not installed later. Runing "sudo /opt/ubudsl/bin/run.sh" work fine. Pretty monitor in the new version :)


OK. I'm so confused... I waited for program like this for months.. I have postponed Ubuntu installation because I could not connect to Internet with Sagem Fast800 E4.. I have downloaded latest package (0.3 r2), installed Ubuntu 7.04 I have sagem fast800 E4 modem I live in Serbia and my ISP is called "EUnet", with next parameters: VPI: 8 VCI : 35 Encapsulation Type: PPPoE LLC USB: BULK/ISO I have installed everything, and choosed France (I suppose they use Sagem modems, right?) and everything went smoothly.. I have restarted system, waited for few minutes for modem to initialize.. ..and nothing happened! There is no network! Please, help me! What can I do? And, I would gladly help you to translate UbuDSL to Serbian/Croatian languages..


Ok, I've just added it to the list:)


OK. I'm so confused... I waited for program like this for months.. I have postponed Ubuntu installation because I could not connect to Internet with Sagem Fast800 E4.. I have downloaded latest package (0.3 r2), installed Ubuntu 7.04 I have sagem fast800 E4 modem I live in Serbia and my ISP is called "EUnet", with next parameters: VPI: 8 VCI : 35 Encapsulation Type: PPPoE LLC USB: BULK/ISO I have installed everything, and choosed France (I suppose they use Sagem modems, right?) and everything went smoothly.. I have restarted system, waited for few minutes for modem to initialize.. ..and nothing happened! There is no network! Please, help me! What can I do? And, I would gladly help you to translate UbuDSL to Serbian/Croatian languages..


OK. I'm so confused... I waited for program like this for months.. I have postponed Ubuntu installation because I could not connect to Internet with Sagem Fast800 E4.. I have downloaded latest package (0.3 r2), installed Ubuntu 7.04 I have sagem fast800 E4 modem I live in Serbia and my ISP is called "EUnet", with next parameters: VPI: 8 VCI : 35 Encapsulation Type: PPPoE LLC USB: BULK/ISO I have installed everything, and choosed France (I suppose they use Sagem modems, right?) and everything went smoothly.. I have restarted system, waited for few minutes for modem to initialize.. ..and nothing happened! There is no network! Please, help me! What can I do? And, I would gladly help you to translate UbuDSL to Serbian/Croatian languages..


I don't use ADSL but your app looks great! you have my vote :) Keep up with the good work :)


planet WANADOO ( Modem Adsl : SMC-7901bra ) vpi/vci : 0/35 encap : LLC protoc : PPPoA QoS : UBR PCR/SCR/MBS : 4000/4000/11 MTU : 1500 thanks .


Please mail me at: ubudsl[at]gmail[dot]com And I'll tell you what I need to you (about the modem).


And whhere is Rissia?? MTU???


If you tell me: *the protocol *VPI *VCI *encapsulation for your provider, I'll add it to the list.


Protocol:PPPoE VPI=1 VCI=50 Encapsulation Type : LLC/SNAP

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