Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Simple its a simple replacement for gksu/ktsuss etc that allows you to run a program with different privileges ( root etc ).
Although there are other programs of theis type most if not all rely on polkit or have a large number of dependencies, apps like ktsuss which this app was inspired by ( available here:http://ktsuss.googlecode.com/files/ktsuss-2.tar.gz ), some like ktsuss seem to have been abandoned ( last commit was 2011 ).
Also it seems that whenever polkit ( which is a nightmare! ) is updated these programs break, so this is the result there are few dependencies a reasonable recent gtk and glib and that's it.
Can now be built with a Qt5 qui instead of Gtk, just use the --enable-qt5 switch to configure.
See the INSTALL file for details on how to install Qt5.
Just run ./configure OR ./autogen.sh from this folder then make and sudo make install.
To install to ( say ) /usr instead of the default /usr/local, add --prefix=/usr, --enable-ktsuss-link will as it says link ktsuss to gtksu so that some programs that hard code the files think that ktsuss is being used ( spacefm ).
Development version is now available on Github:
git clone https://github.com/KeithDHedger/GtkSu.git
Please see the BUGS-ETC file for instructions on reporting bugs etc.
Bugs reported on these boards or sent as PM's will be ignored.
gtksu [OPTION] [--]
Run a command as another user
-u, --user USER Runs the command as the given user
-m, --message MESG Change default message in ktsuss window
Simple usage:
gtksu terminal.
If you need to add options use -- like so:
gtksu -u root -- terminal --hold -x ls -AF /
This programme has the potential to hose your system if used unwisely, BE WARNED!
May present a security risk so use at your own risk.
Please see the README/INSTALL files for my email to let me know about any bugs problems etc.
Removed redundant scripts folder.
Updated manpage.
Removed forced CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS.
Added to Github:https://github.com/KeithDHedger/GtkSu
Updated licence info in files.
Fixed some distros not setting some users environment variables.
Command line to gtksu can now be quoted or not eg to open the file "/tmp/dat 1" all these are the same:
gtksu -- leafpad /tmp/dat\ 1
gtksu -- "leafpad /tmp/dat\ 1"
gtksu -- 'leafpad /tmp/dat\ 1'
gtksu -- leafpad "/tmp/dat 1"
gtksu -- 'leafpad \"/tmp/dat 1\"'
Added submitted patch to fix minor bug when using --user switch, thanks to Ludger Krämer for that.
Removed unnecessary .desktop and png file.
Minor update to man page.
Swapped butons in gtk.
Fixed not displaying default message.
Fixed not displaying alternate message.
Added option to build with QT5 instead of Gtk ( default ).
Updated manpage.
Loads more error checking.
CD to users home or "/" before running command.
Only roots PATH now includes /sbin and /usr/sbin.
Cleaned environment before switching user.
Returns exit status of su'ed program.
Aborts if environment can't be cleaned or permissions can't be dropped.
Permissions in suwrap program only elevated when needed.
Fixed make asking for admin password.
Fixed install of zipped manpage.
Fixed wrong version number being picked up.
Added install instructions for debian/fedora users including dependencies.
Added 'configure' file etc so now no longer depends on autotools.
Fixed a bug where '--' used to mark end of options used when no options.
Removed debugging messages.
First release into the wild.
Ratings & Comments
Hey Since I already have ktsuss installed, should I configure gtjsu with --enable-ktsuss-link?
Gtksu, not gtjsu, sorry.
No! it would replace the ktsuss app with a link, it just pretends to be ktsuss, if you don't want to install ktsuss or polkit breaks it again THEN use the --enable-ktsuss-link you can of course have both programs installed with no problems.