These settings are available via the xconf settings editor but that is one of the most awkward GUI's I have ever used as you have to select the xfwm4 channel, expand the tree, scroll to the option you want, select it, click edit, change the setting and click save, then the tree gets collapsed and you have to start again!
So this nice simple GUI to control the composite manager, the settings are self explanatory.
This is an updated version and all controls are now 'Live', but should you need to you can restart Xfwm4 manually, this version no longer needs gtkdialog as its a 'proper' c application.
gtk+-2.0 >= 2.24.0
libxfce4ui-1 >= 4.8.0
libxfconf-0 >= 4.8.1
(All repeat the linux mantra

sudo make install
Ratings & Comments
After installing/compiling/making etc. and no errors at all then when I run it in Linux Mint Xfce 17.2 (32-bit) it starts out by building the database and then fails with a "Segmentation fault". Running it again just gives the same error. No clue how to resolve this.
this is the wrong place, this is the composite editor. Please semail me direct see the README web site etc for email address.