ASpell GUI
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
git clone https://github.com/KeithDHedger/AspellGUI.git
Please see the BUGS-ETC file for instructions on reporting bugs etc.
Bugs reported on these boards or sent as PM's will be ignored.
!!! NEW !!!
Can now be built with QT5 toolkit instead of Gtk2
!!! NEW !!!
Added proper 'About' box to QT version.
Added QT5 option to configure.
Started adding QT5 option.
Removed alternate languages no call.
Minor bug fix when making package usig make install DESTDIR=xxx.
Added \'Stick/Un-Stick\' to window to make GUI stay on top of all windows and in all workspaces or not.
Added GPLV3 license to about box.
Set text box to word wrap.
Removed annoying flashing caused by building/destroying dialog.
Code clean.
First release into the wild.
Ratings & Comments
compiled on qt5 ()qt5widgets-5.2.1), clicking on "about"button just segfault ( core dumped) Everything else works just fine... Thanks for sharing your work.
have you run sudo make install? if you run the app without installing it it wont be able to find the program icon.
I've already build as rpm and install it from rpm https://abf.rosalinux.ru/build_lists/2260978 , but also test a raw install from tarball with the same exit.
Can't open rpm's mail me direct and we will sort it out
Found a small bug in the makefile if you for instance use ./configure --enable-qt5, make and then change the install prefix ie ./configure --enable-qt5 --prefix=/usr WITHOUT doing make clean before installing the program icon is not in the right place, so uninstall it ( if you installed it ) and then do make clean ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-qt5 make sudo make install
can you just tell me where should be ? /path/icon-name I can do this on my spec . make clean won't affect the rpm build because builddir and buildroot are 2 separate dirs, and the install it's done from buildroot. Thanks again.
pixmap is installed in $(DESTDIR)${prefix}/share/pixmaps ( see the Makefile in the app folder line 28 of Makefile.am.
Problem solved, with massive assistance from the developer, If we ever meet in this live , the beers are on me :D all my bad , and thanks again.