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Symphytum is a personal database software for everyone who desires to manage and organize data in an easy and intuitive way, without having to study complex database languages and software user interfaces.

In fact collecting data is part of our lives, however, organizing information is not always easy, especially without the right tools. While big companies use notable database management systems with advanced functionality and tailored procedures, many people are still using spreadsheets as a database replacement for personal use, because of its simplicity.

Symphytum comes to help as a general-purpose solution.
Design input forms. Move and resize fields thanks to the dynamic layout engine. Use text, numbers, images, files and other control fields. Put your data into the cloud to enjoy hassle-free automatic synchronization on all your computers.
Last changelog:

Version 1.2

[New Features]
- Symphytum is now open source
- Proprietary artwork replaced with permissive icons and images
- German translation added

- Source code translation and localization capabilities for future interface translation work

[Bug Fixes]
- #1 OS X 10.6 error, python .pyc files have bad magic number
- #7 Display correct text string of progress data in table view

Version 1.1

[New Features]
- New appearance option for dark toolbar (Ambiance theme) on Linux

- Last used record is now saved and restored when changing between collections
- Performance of form view has been noticeably improved
- Selection of a field in the form view can now be cleared by pressing the escape key
- The clean database menu action \"Menu->Tools->Database->Free unused space\" now includes the removal
of obsolete files, which are no longer linked to any specific record

[Bug Fixes]
- Fields with identical names are now correctly identified and handled by form view
- CSV exporting generates no longer an invalid column/content structure when records contain multiple new lines
- Form view is no longer disabled when adding a new record after a search operation with no results
- Form view scrolls now correctly the viewport to ensures visibility of the last selected field in table view mode
- Field name is now correctly loaded when editing an existing field of creation date type and last modification date type
- Incorrect records are no longer restored after adding, removing or modifying a field, during an active search filter
- Alarms are now set to fire at midnight (time 00:00) if new records have date fields without the time format spec
- Alarms are no longer incorrectly modified when enabling reminders for date fields with existing records
- Alarms are now correctly enabled/disabled when a field modification is triggered by undo/redo
- Last used collection is now correctly selected after a cloud sync session, where collections have been deleted
- Image fields are now scaling correctly the size of the content image, after changing from table view to form view
- Minor UI bugfixes

Version 1.0

- Initial release

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version 1.2
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