File manager integration:
Currently simpleTagger brings integration for the following file managers (more coming soon):
(Please have a look at the README.txt in the appropriate directory (dolphin, thunar, nautilus etc) for installation instructions.)
dolphin (KDE)
Konqueror (KDE)
Krusader (KDE)
Thunar (XFCE)
Nautilus (GNOME)
A tagging example looks like this:
Original filename: image.png
After tagging: image*wallpaper*blue*.jpeg
simpleTaggers advantages:
No additional software to manage your files. You can still use your normal file manager.
No additional software to search tags/files. Keep using your preferred search application (like recoll, tracker or beagle).
No overhead. There are no daemons or background programs that slow down your system.
Tags availability is granted as long as you have access to your files, because there is no additional program that could crash.
Tags are available after copying the files to an other computer.
Tags are available cross platform, even on OSX and Windows.

simpleTaggers disadvantages:
simpleTagger changes the filenames. Of course not everyone likes this. If you don't, simpleTagger is not for you.
Ratings & Comments
I consider it pretty much perfect at this point. Thank you so much! (for some reason I cannot reply directly to your last message)
Glad you like it.
I built and tried it and I really like the idea (I tried to do just this, manually, in the past, but was too tedious), just using locate I'll be able to find everything! Not to mention this system will work really well with other tools like krename and such. The thing is, would it be possible to change the tag indicators to an user-configurable character? I'd personally prefer a character such as "-" instead. I can edit the source, but would be nice as an option. Anyway, great tool! Thank you very much for it!
Whoops, please ignore my request, I see why the "*" as opposed to other symbols. However, let me replace my request by another: How about allowing quit using the escape key?
Hi Sparrowmelody, i will add the "quit by hitting ESC" in the next version, sounds useful to me. I thought about making the tag indicators to an user-configurable character before. I finally decided to not making it configurable, because it would cause to much trouble when a user changes the symbol later, when he already made tags based on an other symbol. It would be possible to even handle this case but i think it is much more consistent to keep the symbol. The main goal of simpleTAgger is that you still can use your prefered search tools. Thats one of the most important part of the tool to me personally. I love using recoll, with the kde kio, in dolphin. Its much better then for example nepomuks dolphin integration. btw, thx for your suggestion, please keep them coming.
Thanks! About the tag separator, I also noticed it's common to find "-" in random downloaded files, so "*" is more appropriate. Oh, and just for the record, Dolphin integration also works with Krusader (twin-pane file manager). I started to tag images like this. And I find nepomuk to be a complete waste, so I am glad this came out as a replacement. Locate, find, krename and krusader's filter views are great in doing management and search when you do need them. One last suggestion, since you have a cloud view built-in, would it be possible to keep usage of each tag to change order or size in the cloud? Just increasing a counter for each tag would be enough for this, no need for more complex operations.
I had some thoughts about increasing the font size in the cloud view too but i did not find a good solution. Normally, the size shows how often the tag is in use but i cannot get this information from the tagged files. I can raise a counter every time you add a tag, thats true but what happens when you remove the tags afterwards by hand or just delete the files you tagged before? In the long run, the tag size would get more and more inaccurate and the information you get from the font size is useless and confusing. The only way to get a accurate tag count is scanning the files from time to time and update the tag counter. Maybe i will add something like that (completely optional of course) in the future after more testing. Anyway, its on my todo list now, the for your suggestion.
Scanning the files defeats the purpose. I generally tag my files in a download dump folder, then redistribute them all around the filesystem. A simple integer counter is fast, and shows actual usage of the tag instead of files with the tag. A tag that is used often, makes sense at the top even if the files are retagged or deleted, because you are still prone to use that tag again nevertheless. Not to mention it can be stored in plain text and easily modifiable, and keeps the program lightweight.
Released a new version. Hope you like it.
I successfully built simpleTagger in Windows but didn't know how to use! it's not integrated in Windows Explorer or worked standalone
Hi mbnoimi, thx for trying simpleTagger but i have to admit that i don't know if simpleTagger works on windows, i never tried that. Sadly i have no windows installation to test with. But in general, after compiling, the final binary should be in the build directory. (At least thats the case in linux).