QtitanDataGrid advanced Grid for Qt

Qt Widgets

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Qtitan DataGrid is a unique data grid library (Qt third-party widget) for Nokia-Qt that offers functionality and development comfort of the same level as in its .NET and Delphi counterparts. At the moment, this is the only grid component on the market with such an impressive array of advanced functions and outstanding performance. This Qt data grid component was created entirely in C++, which had a very positive effect on its speed, especially in cases with large and extra large sets of data.
Last changelog:

- Support Mac OS X
- New feature - Fast scroll effect
- Support Qt 4.7.0, 4.7.1 versions.
- Support Microsoft Office style grouping. Demo application was added.
- Refactoring relation modes (relation and master-details). Demo application was added.
- Table cell editor supports relation and master-details mode.
- Improved grid API.
- Added ability to add default value to the grid cell while new row is constructed.
- Added ability to save/load column's and band's layout to/from XML.
- Added new icons for the editors of picture and multi-line text.
- Added ability to specify the text to the editor of a new row.
- Added ability to specify the text and brush to the group's panel.
- New feature implemented, the cell focus follows the mouse.
- QAction's exported from QWidget embeded into the grid column or into the grid cell was supported.
- Documentation for features summary calculation, relation mode, load/save layout to XML, table view options, banded view options was added.

- Fixed bug. Improved the reaction of the grid to scrolling. Increased the table rendering speed during scrolling.
- Fixed bug. The autoheight and autowidth modes conflict.
- Fixed bug. Lines between cells are not always rendered.
- Fixed bug. Popup editor windows cannot be resized in Linux.
- Fixed bug. The band width is reset when a column is dragged from one band to another.
- Fixed bug. The focus is removed after sorting/grouping.
- Fixed bug. When a new line is added, the added image is not shown.
- Fixed bug. When grouping by column is active, adding a new line does not work correctly.
- Fixed bug. When groups of lines are folded or unfolded, scrollbars are not positioned correctly.
- Fixed bug. The text in the column header does not fit within the boundaries in Linux.
- Fixed bug. Compilation and support for the 64-bit mode.

Ratings & Comments



Hi, this is a proprietary application. Please move it to Qt-Prop.org. Thank you. Cheers Frank


Please keep qt-apps.org clean by publishing proprietary apps on http://qt-prop.org. There is no source code for this app, so it is proprietary. Releasing it as freeware doesn't make it free in the GNU sense (see http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html). So this project should be moved to qt-prop.org.


so nice product, friend; good luck ;)


Nice product, but you need to move to Qt-Props.org! not here.



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version v5.10
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 6

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