Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The most interesting thing you can find in the game is that you can customize the level and edit your own fixture world.And of course,you can save the fixture world and play it next time.
It is an opensource project as well.
more Info,you can find here
For Fremantle
make sure that you have internet connection on N900,otherwise xmlListModel data will not be displayed on the top View.This bug has been fixed but unfortunately not included in the maemo5 20.2010.36-2 package.
related thread http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2214/
bugreports.qt http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15934
HappyFrog 0.0.3
- add two fixtures for custom design(tyre and animaiton windmill)
support parallax scrolling
- re-design some level
- support Harmattan(N9 N950)
HappyFrog 0.0.2
-For Desktop
support zoom in/out with mouse
-For Symbian^3 Mobile Device (C7,N8,E7)
support Pinch to zoom-in and out
-For Maemo5 (N900)
1.hw accelerating support on N900
2.support swirlling gesture for zooming in and out(like the default browser(firefox3 based) in N900 make use of Maemo's swirl gestures for zooming)
Ratings & Comments
Hi Gary I see your best code and assist youtube and see your blog, a want take your happyfrog 3d to work in my University in Brazil, iam teacher Computer Engeneer in this University and want contribute with your code 3D, is possible. Marcelo Anjos Thanks
hi i download this game source and download box2d too,but in compile it cant find some librarys I download that librarys and put thats in box2d folder but my problem not solved yet please upload box2d folder that you use it in this program
Hi, If you import box2d source code in project and compiled failed,that's because you've not compile qt-mobiltiy yet(multimedia).you can comment these two lines in .pro file CONFIG +=mobility MOBILITY +=multimedia
thanks but some of librarys in box2d folder is missed like "b2TOISolver" and ...
can u lindly told me how can i add Box2d lib with this give code
you can compile Box2D src and import generated box2d libraries in your project And the simplest way is download Box2D src firstly and then copy Box2D'src directory to project folder.That's it. :)
Very good game for Qt but since it requires Qt4.7, wouldn't it be easier to develop with QML (which comes with Qt 4.7)?
My bad. It is QML project!
Yeah,It's a qt app integrated with Declarative UI and Box2D instead of plain Qml app. :)
Hi Would it be possible for you to make this with QML Box 2d? (https://gitorious.org/qml-box2d). I tried but I got stuck because I am unable to compile the QML-box 2d with Qt SDK.
From the technical perspective, it's possible.Basically I make this in my spare time and I am busy with other project currently.I guess I have no time to re-write this with qml-box2d plugin.:) Could you tell me what's problem you encounter? The plugin is as easy as any other qt demo/example to compile.
Thanks for reply. Unfortunately, the Box2D header files are not recognized by Qt SDK. They don't get included despite the correct path. I verified and found the header files in the directory but they don't even show up in the project (pro file)
Hi I think you can add INCLUDEPATH = Box2D header directory'path in your .pro file or simply cp Box2D header directory(contains header files) to your QTDIR/include. It works like a charm. :)
It's realy nice game. I have made a package for Pardus. Pardus 2011 users can install by giving these commands: $ sudo pisi ar happy-kitty http://happy-kitty.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pisi-index.xml.xz $ sudo pisi em happyfrog I made also a patch for HappyFrog, It maybe useful for you or other distros' packagers: http://happy-kitty.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/game/arcade/happyfrog/files/happyfrog-0.0.1-make.diff Sound not works for me. I can't find a zoom in / zoom out shortcut :)
thanks, still busy in these days I will figure out the points that you mentioned if I am free.
i updated package files and patches for 0.0.2. New patches are here [1]. i also captured a short gameplay video [2]. * no sound yet * no zoom in / out with mouse [1] http://happy-kitty.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/game/arcade/happyfrog/files/ [2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXrtvT9CD2I
Thanks for your mention. I've updated the source code. zoom in/out with mouse has been supported. Due to performance issue,sound effect has not been added in 0.0.2 yet.I will figure it out when I am free.
Thanks for zoom in/out :) [1] But after using it once, game becomes extremely slow. [1] http://gitorious.org/happyfrog/happyfrog/commit/d5e8762d4e836ec698336ca246f3b05c8a10530f
Hi,maidis I appreciate your reply really.And I've updated source code for this problem,which is related to opengl support missing on X11. ps:zoom in/out with mouse on X11 needs opengl support,otherwise game will becomes very very slow. So if you run this on X11 in virtual machine or X11 missing opengl support. the latest verison of HappyFrog will show a messagebox that recommand you turn off the feature(I mean zoom in/out with mouse) Thanks again. Gary.Wzl
It's fast now :) Thanks. * Different frogs? * Hidden config files for GNU/Linux? ~/.happyfrog/levelInfo.xml ~/.happyfrog/preview * Pigs should not go beyond the slingshot. They roll sometimes now.