a lot of things changed since the old screenshot (and since 3.1.x of course).
1) auto lined up icons on the desktop
2) simpler kmenu
3) translucent and smooth (the smooth effect is similar to the thinkeramik one) kicker.
4) shadowed fonts
5)translucent menu

Ratings & Comments
Hi, i've installed KDE3.2 Alpha on my SuSE8.2 System, but i can't see any dropshadows under the Icons. How did You make it?
Did you try Control Center, Appearance & Themes, Style, Enable GUI Effects, Menu Drop Shadow ? Or you mean over the desktop fonts, so the way is Configure Desktop, Background, Advanced Options, over the Text Color: "enable shadow"
Do you use the Thin Keramik tar.gz from kde-look or there is one for kde-cvs?
the kde-look one...
feature preview! thanks :)
are not working, i mean the 2 new screenshots.. Could you add a screenshots with a Kicker using a Pixmap/Wallpaper ? :) thanks
you have to change .jpg to .png...don't know why :(
Could you post more screenshots so us mere "users" can see what other wonderful things KDE 3.2 will have? I've been thinking that this kind of preview would be very nice, and here it is!
this new screenshot is looking really interesting ;) finally the Clock-applet is showing transparent background, (and maybe background-picture of the kicker, if the option for "transparent kicker" is disabled?) Systemtray + Clockapplet = "using an indivitual transparent-color" (like in your screenshot) is really nice! (by the way, how about Usability of various popup-menu's ?:) just great. thx
KDE developers worked hard in usability and they are still working in that way. Kcontrols modules now are simply easier to understand even for people new to KDE even if I think there's a lot to do. ps: yes the clock applet shows the background picture ;)
argh, i want to compile that stuff..! ;-) (but how long would it take on a P3 450MHz?)
on a pIII 450? about a day or so... took me about 3 hrs on a 2.4G Athlon
Just make sure you've got lots of free memory, CPU speed isn't that much important. P3 450 with 768 MB of memory will probably be faster than a P3 1 Ghz with 256 MB.
512MB and actually 2x PIII 450MHz SMP (on Asus P2B-D)
who knows... if you say like that, you should show "what's new, what's hot" in your screenshot, not just the boring "karamba" theme, and, there are already enough osx-karamba-themes-screenshots on kde-look. that's my opinion ;) for example, i am looking for news like: -> font-shadow is already working or not ? -> icewm-themes are drawn with round-corners or not ? -> context/popup-menus in relation to usability, means: right-click on trashcan still shows entrys like "Compress", "Share in Network", "Create Data-CD with K3b", and so on.... thanks
I think you are right, but these is just a start point and the cvs is identical to 3.1.x for looking) The biggest differences are that cvs is really faster and that a lot of programs like konqui , kmail ecc are now much more "complete". With kdecvs I didn't mean: look how nice is the cvs. :) It was just for tell you what I am using, like an identification string :) ... I see a lot of people doing it ...mmm..but maybe you are right "kdecvs" was not too clear. ;) I'll try to show more when I'll edit this to upload a new screenshot, it's a promise :)
cool, thanks :) actually, i am also getting confused.. once i wanted to download and run the program "konstruct". i thought it was about downloading the latest cvs, compiling, installing it,...., but now, i only can find that konstruct downloads and compiles the latest stable (now KDE 3.1.x), hm, confusing, but anyway, maybe my maschine is too slow for compiling kde from cvs, so i will wait until there is a nice beta or until the final version. until then, i always check about recent cvs-screenshots :D
Che cosa c'e' di diverso nel kdecvs? Come ti trovi? PS: complimenti per la distribuzione.
se hai tempo dai un occhio qui,