Description: Here I'm using Kde 3.3 and Xorg 6.8 beta with composite drop shadows.I can imagine how linux would be in 2005. Note: 1. Composite is still not stable as 6.8 is still beta. Frequent crashes may expected. 2. No strange freezes in kde. It works same as gnome. 3. It consumes desireable memory (I'm having 512 Mb, so I can manage to work). Xorg should address to this issue as well. 4. Complete configuration tools to be provided by Xorg(I'm using xapps tools, but they give basic level configuration options).Last changelog:
2. Dropshadows + Transparency anabled 1. Only drop shadows enabled
How do you manage your windows with the trasparency ? I mean, how do you explain X that the Konqueror window has an opacity of 0.5 and your Kmail window an opacity of 0.8 ?
I have to use utilities from xapps project to specify all these. Still transparent configuration utility (transsit) supports per window transparency configuration.
Ratings & Comments
KDE 3.3 is released and it's great, but when will 6.8 be released? Any estimates?
really good man! What icons are you using ? I think i never had seen it
Yeah, that looks really great! But which window decorations and icon sets were used for the screenshots (especially in the third one)?
What Mplayer skin are you using, and where did you get it?
Can you tell me how fast the Xorg Server runs with composit? Unfortunately I haven't any XAA support with tdfx.
How do you manage your windows with the trasparency ? I mean, how do you explain X that the Konqueror window has an opacity of 0.5 and your Kmail window an opacity of 0.8 ?
I have to use utilities from xapps project to specify all these. Still transparent configuration utility (transsit) supports per window transparency configuration.
Can it be compared to normal xfree without composite shadows ?
I've added some new pics + description now.
cool - thanks :)
I can't express how good looks on your desktop. Very well done.