Mix-n-match KDE3
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Nothing real exciting or complex. Just stuff that is pleasing to the eye. Last changelog:
Just updated to KDE3 final and turned on menu transparency with the keramik style : ) BE ADVISED. . .After speaking with qwertz, it seems that keramik "looks" broken in my screenie. So use at your own vision. *shrugs* seems ok to me though.
Ratings & Comments
could you upload that background seperately? I really like it...
how did you manage to get the kicker appear only on bottom center of the screen?? .b
KDE3 allows centering and resizing of kicker : )
they are going more and more to mac-style.. I wonder why. .b
The developers have always said they like to take parts of various OS and incorporate them. Kicker was rather rigid where customization is concerened. This is just a small stepup. Now if we could just have the desktop menu as a seperately customizable option ; )
Yes Winterwolf is right that would be nice. Neat colors in your bg, would be nice to have it here.
see above regarding icons. The background is an actual OSX bg. It's called Tiles Blue.jpg. If someone wants to host it, I will upload it.
Finalize it and submit it ehre as an icon theme. PLEASE =)
I am not using an icon "theme" per se. I am using some from Slick,iKons,Southern and some OSX icons I converted.
How did you covert MacOSX icons to windows? I know how to get them from windows to linux. I could never find a program for free that will do it for MacOSX. I got the Trash icons, just need to covert them. How did you do it?
There are a number of HOW-TO's that describe what to do. I personally use a combination of Stuffit-Expander (for windows) because most iconpacks for Mac is in the .sit format, Iconshop 1.2 alpha (for windows) and either Photoshop6 if I want to add drop shadows, etc, or kiconedit. The erase tool is VERY handy for things like this :)
yep the trash icon needs smoother borders (adding alpha channel ?) . Anyway nice job.
Yeah I know. The trash icon was a straight conversion without using in PS filters.
What is the xmms skin?
It's a winamp skin called "iwinamp". It's the closest itunes skin I can find for any of the linux players.
You have a great collection of icons: iKons, Slick, (crystal), ... What else? I mean, where did you get the trash icon? Is this form osx? I believe it is.
It's part of thr Tritanium series of OSX icons, that were converted to XP style icons. Which I in turn modified for use in Linux. I have also converted, so far; A new iMac, email, iTunes and iPhoto icons.
Forgot to mention this KDE3-beta2. Can't wait till the final comes around so I can go back to using Liquid again 8
Check this out: http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=48 I'm using it right now and it's great.
It's already released so that you don't have to wait any longer. But I've got to say that the final doesn't include the keramik style. Grmpf! ian