could you write a step by step guide how to obtain your top menu bar. I´m mainly interested in icons of system tray, and keyboard layout icon without flag.
Thanks in advance.
just read the former posts :
1) you need baghira installed
2) refer to the osx alike section of baghira's web site to get the osx menubar (step 5 or 6, did not remember)
3) download iconset provided by zammi (see link above) and unzip it in your icon dir (probably /usr/share/icons/xxx/ where xxx is the theme you use) to replace the default actions and apps icons by zammi's ones (when I say unzip in icon dir, of course you need to put apps dir of archive in apps dir of icon theme and actions dir in actions dir ...)
4) add the session manager applet from baghira to your menubar to get the [en] item
That's it !
Thanks a lot.But now the question is about Session manager applet. I will receive my login name with [en]. Is it possible to remove the login name. And the second question is about the keyboard layout. Why the [en] symbol dont change when I change my keyboard layout. Thanks in advance.
AFAIK there is no option to remove the login name.
But if you know a bit c++ programmation with qt, you should be able to modify the sources and get it to work, as login name is just a string taken from system variable as far as I've seen from the code. However, you'll have to patch each new baghira version to keep your stuff.
Don't know about the [en] change to another langage, I don't use it. File a bug or post a message on baghira's help forum to query Thomas.
That doesn't yeild much.
Well it did get this...
" Baghira spilt some milk ... :-) KDE-Look.org
Just Google for : HandelGotD.ttf :-). link reply to this · link 2 replies. - . Icons by datoch on: 11/02/2005, 8:12. Which icon set you use (amarok ...
www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=30919 - 62k - Cached - Similar pages"
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Hi, could you write a step by step guide how to obtain your top menu bar. I´m mainly interested in icons of system tray, and keyboard layout icon without flag. Thanks in advance.
just read the former posts : 1) you need baghira installed 2) refer to the osx alike section of baghira's web site to get the osx menubar (step 5 or 6, did not remember) 3) download iconset provided by zammi (see link above) and unzip it in your icon dir (probably /usr/share/icons/xxx/ where xxx is the theme you use) to replace the default actions and apps icons by zammi's ones (when I say unzip in icon dir, of course you need to put apps dir of archive in apps dir of icon theme and actions dir in actions dir ...) 4) add the session manager applet from baghira to your menubar to get the [en] item That's it ! -- Arnaud
Thanks a lot.But now the question is about Session manager applet. I will receive my login name with [en]. Is it possible to remove the login name. And the second question is about the keyboard layout. Why the [en] symbol dont change when I change my keyboard layout. Thanks in advance.
AFAIK there is no option to remove the login name. But if you know a bit c++ programmation with qt, you should be able to modify the sources and get it to work, as login name is just a string taken from system variable as far as I've seen from the code. However, you'll have to patch each new baghira version to keep your stuff. Don't know about the [en] change to another langage, I don't use it. File a bug or post a message on baghira's help forum to query Thomas. SY -- Arnaud
Could you tell me please how to put this awsome decoration at my computer?? Thank you very much man, I really like OSX.
It's there: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=23535 furtehr you can get a nice step by step guide in baghira.sourceforge.net
Which icon set you use (amarok play/stop)?
Refer: It's there: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=23535 I've post some of the button icons there.
could u please add alink to your fonts they look great...
Just Google for : HandelGotD.ttf :-)
That doesn't yeild much. Well it did get this... " Baghira spilt some milk ... :-) KDE-Look.org Just Google for : HandelGotD.ttf :-). link reply to this · link 2 replies. - . Icons by datoch on: 11/02/2005, 8:12. Which icon set you use (amarok ... www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=30919 - 62k - Cached - Similar pages"