Description: Script for amarok, to listen Czech radios. This is work in progress, I will be adding more channels.
Channels list:
AW Radio Best of Rock Radio Bonton Radio Český rozhlas 1 Radiozurnál Český rozhlas 2 Praha Český rozhlas 3 Vltava Český rozhlas 6 Český rozhlas 7 Radio Prague Český rozhlas Brno Český rozhlas České Budejovice Český rozhlas Hradec Králové Český rozhlas Olomouc Český rozhlas Ostrava Český rozhlas Pardubice Český rozhlas Plzen Český rozhlas Regina Český rozhlas Region Střední Čechy Český rozhlas Region Vysočina Český rozhlas Sever Český rozhlas D-Dur Český rozhlas Leonardo Český rozhlas Radio Česko Český rozhlas Radio Wave Classic FM Club Radio Core time FM Country Radio Crazy Radio Dance Game Rádio Dance Radio DNB Radio Evropa 2 Evropa 2 Top 20 Evropa 2 Heavy Evropa 2 Movin Evropa 2 Lowrider Evropa 2 Retro Expres Radio Five Radio Foxy Radio Free Music Radio Free Radio Free Radio Black Channel Free Radio Dance Channel Free Station Fun 1 FWDS Country FWDS Pop FWDS Rock Gól Rádio Helax Radio 937 Hip Hop Vibes Radio HitRadio FM HitRadio FM Plus HitRadio Apollo HitRadio Crystal HitRadio Dragon HitRadio Faktor HitRadio Magic HitRadio Magic Brno HitRadio Orion HitRadio Vysočina Jazzinec Kiss 98 FM Kiss Delta Kiss Hády Kiss Jizni Čechy Kiss Morava Kiss Proton Kiss Publikum Limonadovy Joe Prague Show Radio Radio 1 Rádio23 CH1 Rádio23 CH2 Rádio23 CH3 Rádio23 CH Live Radio 4U Rádio 7 Radio Beat Radio Blaník Radio Čas Ostravsko Radio Čas Olomoucko Radio Čas Zlínsko Radio Čas Brněnsko Radio Černá Hora Radio City Praha Radio City Devadesátka Radio City Osmdesátka Radio City Zóna Lásky Radio Click & Country Radio Domino Radio Egrensis Radio Fajn Agara Radio Fajn Hity Radio Fajn Life Radio Fajn Praha Radio Folk Radio Gothic Rádio Haná Pop Rádio Haná Rock Radio Hey! Radio Hubajda Radio ICM Rádio Impuls Radio Jih Radio Jih Cimbálka Radio Jizera Radio Krokodýl Rádio Orlík Radio Petrov Rádio Proglas Radio Spin Radio Top Radio Zlín Rebel Radio Brod Rebel Radio Ostrava Rock Jam Radio Rock Jam Radio - balady Rock Jam Radio - hity Rock Jam Radio - indies Rock Jam Radio - klasika Rock Jam Radio - metal Rock Jam Radio - NeWave, Rock Jam Radio - punk/ska Rock Max Rock Zone Samson Radio Sázava Rádio Sensation Factory Sound Station Sound Wave Tip RádioLast changelog:
It's a great script but it's pity that it's outdated. Lot of radois does not play due to wrong URLs in the script and some radios does not exists any more.
Is this script available on github or another service? Maybe me (and another volunteers) may help to keep the script up to date...
I tried Český Rozhlas 1 radio and it's pity that it started to play some WMA. I would recommend to prefer OGG encoded streams (when available) - for Český Rozhlas channels, you can find them easily on . It might be also useful to list all the bitrates available.
download it, go to amarok >> tools >> script manager. In the new window, push "install script" find where is your script downloaded, and reboot amarok".
Good chance :)
Sorry, i'm spanish, i d'ont understand czech, i make it for my girlfriend which is ceska, is because i make it. We make all corrections soon, with the help of my lady :) .
Ratings & Comments
It's a great script but it's pity that it's outdated. Lot of radois does not play due to wrong URLs in the script and some radios does not exists any more. Is this script available on github or another service? Maybe me (and another volunteers) may help to keep the script up to date...
Ahoj, když si chci pustit Impuls, tak se celý Amarok zasekne a nereaguje. Když počkám, tak začne zase reagovat, nicméně rádio nehraje.
Tak jsem na to přišel - jsou tam špatné adresy streamů, některé ukazujou na mrtvé servery.
Thaks for the advice. Is fixed :D
I tried Český Rozhlas 1 radio and it's pity that it started to play some WMA. I would recommend to prefer OGG encoded streams (when available) - for Český Rozhlas channels, you can find them easily on . It might be also useful to list all the bitrates available.
how to install?
download it, go to amarok >> tools >> script manager. In the new window, push "install script" find where is your script downloaded, and reboot amarok". Good chance :)
Sorry, i'm spanish, i d'ont understand czech, i make it for my girlfriend which is ceska, is because i make it. We make all corrections soon, with the help of my lady :) .
"česká rádia" nikoli "české" sakrauž.