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There is an embassy for KDE users: A new theme has been born.

The theme contains a scheme for QtCurve and for the Konsole, a background for the kicker and the theme file of course.

Follow the download link for more information, installation instructions and final download link.
Last changelog:

2007-10-22: No update of the theme, just an update of the URL.

0.5: 2006-03-26
- Includes KBFX themes for the kicker sizes tiny, small, normal and large.
- New and GPLed wallpaper.
- Changed color scheme.

0.4: 2006-03-05

- Contains screenshots of all configuration pages for the crystal window decoration.
- Corrected link to Taskbar V2

0.3: 2006-03-05

- QtCurve 0.34 was released and flat colored menu bars are working again in GTK applications.
- FIX: Wrong schema name in embassy.qtcurve file prevented upload.

0.2: 2006-03-05

Due to a bug in QtCurve 0.33, colored menu bars do not work in GTK applications. However there seems to be another bug that does not apply gradients to menu bars, but does a flat coloring and this also works in GTK applications. So the new archive contains a different QtCurve scheme that applies the gradient to the menu bar. Note that this is a workaround for QtCurve 0.33 and may behave different in older and future versions of QtCurve (Craig Drummond is already aware of this).

0.1: 2006-03-04

Initial release

Ratings & Comments



Love this theme! Can anybody suggest a good firefox theme to complement Embassy? I'm having some trouble finding one that fits well...


I am simply using the default theme and found no big problems. What disturbs you?


Believe it or not the default theme is one of the few I didn't try, and it does work OK :D I was just finding that Embassy looks a little too clean, posh and sophisticated to match easily - too much blue didn't look right, too much grey made it too dull, too much colour made it look cheap, etc. In the end I settled on a theme called Orbit Grey and am happy enough with that, but I'm still interested to hear what Firefox themes other people use with Embassy since I don't tend to have a very good eye for these things myself! Thanks for your reply, and thanks again for sharing this wonderful theme!


It's so cool...That's what i was looking for, many thanks!


oooh nice one! Looks very chic! I also like the taskbar how its not to gawdy.


Congrats man ... this is the best theme I've ever used! Can't wait to see the new release on my notebook! Great job!


very nice, will be my default theme and also look cool with Segio UI ;-)


by the way... it would be cool, if you also provide a kdm-theme. is kthememanager able to install a kdm-theme ? If not, that would be a new feature of kthememanager.. (will try the fonts later when i am back home)


Hm... maybe... I never created a KDM theme and IMHO a KDM theme only makes sense with a similar KDE splash screen. But it's a good idea. BTW: The next release will contain a theme for KBFX. Check out my blog for a preview:


hi, can you give me some hints how to setup gtk to use QtCurve style ? i compiled QtCurve by myself, i installed already gtk2-devel packages and so on.. i also installed gtk-qt-engine. in my home folder there is a file called .gtkrc-2.0 file, it contains the include for QtCurve, but Gtk apps just don't use the style... do i need other gnome or gtk packages too ? actually there are some gnome packages installed on my machine, but i don't use gnome, and there is no gnome desktop installed.


You are using SuSE, right? There are two ways: ONE: 1) Open KControl and open Appearances & Themes -> GTK Styles and Fonts (assuming you've installed GtkQt) 2) Choose Use another style and select QtCurve TWO: 1) Create a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 as you have been done 2) Create an empty file ~/.no-qtrc-to-gtkrc-mapping 3) Restart KDE


thanks, actually, i am using gtk-qt already, and i also setup qtcurve in the settings before, but gtk still doesn't look completely like qt-applications. for example the menu-bar is looking diffrent, and also the toolbar, but colors and buttons are looking same like qt apps. i will try the other way with the config-files or maybe i have to compile gtk-qt by myself, since some apps from guru (klearlook from guru isn't selectable in my controlcenter too) doesn't work too.


hi, unfortunately the 2cd way also didn't work here. which gnome-packages did you install ? if you installed all gnome packages, can you tell me, which one is needed to get the qtcurve theme working for gtk/gtk2 ? thanks


Sorry... I don't know how to help your further. Please ask CraigD, the creator of QtCurve.


A cool splash screen has been created by nacholore:


Wow......It's shiny and metallic! Finally!! A shiny and metallic theme!!!!!!!!! I MUST HAVE IT!!!!!!!11!1!!one


hi, now the theme i installed looks nearly like your screenshots :) but in my system, after applying the theme, the fonts of nearly everything is set to "Bitstream Vera Sans 9", just the desktop-font is "Sans Serif 11". in Konqueror the font is set to "Cumberland AMT" , "Sans Serif" or "Albany AMT". The problem is, it seems that "Bitstream Vera Sans" doesn't support/show national characters (utf-8) like the german "ue", ae", "oe". Is the same font selected in your system after installing the theme ? it would be nice if the selected font supports utf-8 :) thanks


My $LANG is set to en_US.UTF-8, but the German Umlauts are shown.... strange! To what is $LANG set on your system? Which distribution do you use?


my System is SuSE 10.0 (not oss), KDE 3.5.1. My locale-settings should be de_DE.utf8 (currently i am at work, so i can't check, but i am sure) :) (i also wonder why the strange fonts were selected. i corrected the fonts but if i install the next version of your theme, then the fonts might get mixed up again.)


I will try to cleanup the fonts in the next release, however I've never heard of Albany and Cumberland. I don't have them on my system. Regarding the character problems... Is there any reason why you are stuck to UTF-8? On my dad's system I was able to solve this problems by setting RC_LANG in /etc/sysconfig/language to de_DE.


Could you please do me a favour and try the Hunky fonts? ( These fonts are based von Bitstream Vera * but provide additional characters for other languages. Hopefully this fixes your problems and then I will use these fonts in the next update.


ah, ok, i will try that later when i am at home :) thanks


hi, i tested the font now, it contains all "german umlaut", so it works good, also the euro-symbole is included.. i could use the hunky-sans font, but hunky-serif font was looking the same like hunky-sans on the desktop. just the font-preview in kcontrolcenter-modul showed the serif version correctly.


Hm... I can't reproduce this here... serif looks different than sans... with serifs like it should.


The download link ins't working....

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