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This theme is now completely finished!
A nice clean and vibrant style mixture of kore, crystal, vista, and personal genius. Hope you all enjoy this theme.
1280x1024 resolution
crystal project icon set
Last changelog:

-Modified wallpaper
-Updated splash screen to fit wallpaper
-changed masking, menu, search, and dudebox in KBFX theme.

Ratings & Comments



First off, there's little instructions on how to install this. It's not even mentioned that you must rename the downloaded file from .gz to .tar.gz. Second, there's no color scheme and no domino theme, so the only things left are amarok and the window decorations, which will look fairly out-of-place without the widget style. So, since I now have to go back and set my other theme back up again, it's a thumbs down from me.


Stunning background. I'd put the menu icon a bit more to the left. The upper grey strip on the taskbar BG is way too wide, I'd reduce it to 60% or so (or just use the original Kore taskbar BG, I think it's perfect). The window deco top border also looks way too much plastic-like to fit a glossy theme. Magnificent splash screen.


Forgot to say that the corners are ugly but that's just due to dekorator. Emerald is plain better I think.


I only mentioned Kore because I was inspired by it to make a domino config, Not because I was trying to clone it in any way shape or form. You are right, emerald is better, but I could not use emerald at the time this was made because I did not have a good enough graphics card. Now I have a Geforce 8600 GTS! So you may see some emerald themes in the future.


I put the domino config back in its respective folder and deleted the KDM folder (I was planning to make a KDM theme but I do not have the time). Everything should be in order now.


I've downloaded the package from the deviantart webpage, but when I use KDE Theme Manager to install the theme file kollide.kth in the KTheme folder, it doesn't work. I'm new to Linux so I apologize if I'm being completely stupid.


look through the rest of the posts for help on this, or look through the posts on NuoveXT2, others have had similar issues.


I've downloaded the package from deviant art but the Domino folder is still empty and the KDM folder exists. It seems like you forgot to upload the packe after fixing it.


I'm having this same problem, also, I can't install your, or any dekorator theme. Even the default dekorator theme won't install. Any suggestions?


Regarding my dekorator problem, that's fixed. I simply copied your theme to the dekorator themes dir $HOME/.kde/share/apps/deKorator/themes, but I had to create the dir first. Another problem I'm having is this: the corners of the window border are white, not transparent, here's a screenshot:


That is probably because you are not using masks. Go to the dekorator config and make sure you have a masks dir selected.


How do you make the search-box grey. If I install your kbfx-theme my search-box is white.


Never mind, I figured out why now. It is controlled by the colour-scheme. Stupid me :P


The kollide.kth doesn't seem to install a valid theme. I've had the same problem with other themes and it could be solved by renaming the file. Is there anything like that possible here? Thank you for your help!


I JUST got it fixed. The problem is that it creates another folder named "kollide" IN the kollide folder in the kthememanager folder, so the program wouldn't recognize it as a theme. Changing the path from .../kthememanager/kollide/kollide/... to ...//kthememanager/kollide/... solves it.


Just extracted the file & can't find anything in the KDM folder?


Very nice work, but the Domino folder is empty.


Strange, is the domino config in any other folder? I might have accidentally moved it, I will fix this as soon as possible.


Thank you very much!


Just went trough your galery and I have to say that I'm really impressed. All your work is top quality. Keep up the good work :)


Again, if you rate this theme as 'bad' leave a comment describing what you would like to see improved.


Hi, I'm new to KDE, coming from gnome. How do I go about installing this? Applying the dekorator theme makes my window deco disappear, leaving me with no minimize, close, etc. Also, I'm not sure how to use the .kth file, as clicking on it does nothing except show a window in my taskbar saying 'installing KDE theme...' which disappears after a few seconds.


What distribution are you using? If you set the Window decoration to dekorator, install the theme, click set paths, and apply, then it should work. If not then your dekorator install might be broken. To install the kth file, just open up your system settings, click on appearance, theme manager (note: you will not have this option in kubuntu, for some foolish reason access to the ktheme manager is non existent in this distro.) To install the domino theme, click on style, select domino, click configure, load/save, load the kollide domino config and click ok, and apply. If for some reason there are still problems, or something doesn't work, just ask. Hope this helped.


Thanks, I managed to get the domino config working, but I've installed deKorator multiple ways (from the repos, and compiling it myself) with the same result. As I am using Kubuntu, I had to do 'alt+f2' and 'kcontrol' to access the ktheme manager, but applying the .kth file does nothing. For some reason, I've never had much luck installing KDE themes...


Kubuntu is fairly finicky in this regard. You can try applying the kth elements manually. Re-name the .kth file to .tar.gz (either that or .zip, I can't remember) and you should get the color scheme and wallpaper. make sure that your panel is set at 32px height, and it should work. As for dekorator. I don't know what to tell you. Mabey someone else could give you a hand. Try posting something on the forums here. This is one of the reasons why I switched to Open Suse, it is so much easier to theme, and package management is a lot less finicky than Kubuntu.

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version 1.5
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