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The icon set is a mix of several artist's work, all pulled to together and melded. The icon set is NuoveXT 1.6 + 2.0 + Kopete NuoveXT, because 2.0 does not contain all the icons 1.6 did. To create this icon set, download and install NuoveXT 1.6, then download 2.0, extract the contents and copy all the folders from the archive to /home/(usr name)/.kde/share/icons/NuoveXT-1.6/ when it asks you if you would like to replace the files click yes. Then just follow the provided instructions for the installation of kopete nuovext.


Source for all theme files can be acquired, just send me an e-mail requesting what you want the source for.
Last changelog:

- NuoveXT2 is undergoing a MAJOR re working.
- New Wallpaper added, along with Polyester config.
- Added ktheme package.
- Working on a new KBFX for the "windows" style desktop configuration, the mac style is complete.
- Finished first release of 2.5
- Packaged everything in one archive for easy download (about 7mb).
- Finished KBFX theme, added new button.
- Added button drop shadows to window deco.
- Added an alternitive "clouds style", wallpaper, splash, and amarok theme.
- Added extra user images for KBFX.

Ratings & Comments



Hey, I must say I love, like in "really love" the splash background, and actually use it as my kdm + ksplash + kde background now. !


Thanks a million for this beautiful theme falco101! The last and only imperfection is installation of style. Solution is simple and SpawnONE already gave it but I guess you could fix it once and for all... The only thing is to put files from NuoveXT2.5_KDE_Theme/Style/NuoveXT2-5.kth/NuoveXT2-5/ one level up to NuoveXT2.5_KDE_Theme/Style/NuoveXT2-5.kth. There should be no subdirectory NuoveXT2-5 in archive NuoveXT2-5.kth. Could you please fix it? Your theme deserves it! :-)


falco101, the screens look very tempting that's why i have just downloaded it :) but...i have the problems with installation on my Mandriva 2008 :( I opened the KDE Theme Manager, selected NuoveXT2-Theme.kth and clicked "Apply", but the theme didn't change...more over, the buttons "Apply" and "Restore" had locked. Any errors didn't give out... Please, help me!!! :) P.S. sorry for my english, I learn it :)


I have not used Mandriva in a long time. Try downloading and using some other kthememanager themes and see if they work, if not then it is probably an issue with the system. If the others install but NuoveXT2 still doesn't work, change the .kth file change the extension to either .zip or .tar.gz (I can't remember which). Then you can take the panel bg, wallpaper, and color scheme and apply those manually.


I actually just tried this because the .ksrc file also wasn't working for me on arch linux. The color scheme doesn't even seem to be included in the file. Would u be able to upload it for us to download?


How do I install The Style and KDE Theme Manager in Kubuntu ? Please help me :) Also when I install Theme Manager from Kcontrol your theme manager didn't seems to be working .. Please let me know ow to install Style when .deb packages are not available ?


Right click on the downloaded archive, extract it somewhere in your home folder, and read the file titled "READ ME FIRST". This should answer all of your questions.


Right click on the downloaded archive, extract it somewhere in your home folder, and read the file titled "READ ME FIRST". This should answer all of your questions.


i love this theme pack but i am unable to get the panel at the bottom of my screen to look like the one u have in the picture. :S i followed the readme which came with the pack, i was able to get the menubars of all apps to work but the only thing left is the login screen and the panel at the bottom


When you install the .kth file you should get the panel background.


the problem is originally i double clicked the .kth file and it was added to kcontrol theme-manager but when i click apply in kde theme-manager nothing happens and when i highlight nuove in the box it says there is no preview available :S


ok i redid it the problem seems to be that the only change that the panel gets is a different colour (backround) but the menu button and the thin panel are not included ?? i checked the theme in.kde/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/ NuoveXT2-5 and the only change to the panel is the different backround


Try removing .kde/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/ NuoveXT2-5 both the folder and the .kth file. Just to be safe, restart KDE, then try opening kcontrol and installing the theme from there.


i'm also having the same problem, i have redownloaded and still nothing, i go to import theme, select it, there's no preview and no change when i click apply, double clicking it in the home folder doesn't do anything. Please help, i really love this theme! ^^


Ok, just change the file name from .tar.gz to .ta.gz and extract it. now the panel bg and the color scheme should be in there, just apply these manually. In order for the menu button to actually work you must have KBFX installed and apply the kbfx theme included in the download.


:~$ mv ~/.kde/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/NuoveXT2-5/NuoveXT2-5/* ~/.kde/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/NuoveXT2-5/ :~$ rm -r ~/.kde/share//apps/kthememanager/themes/NuoveXT2-5/NuoveXT2-5


kth, kbfx, deKorator themes not work. I am doing all things that are in readme, but...


what exactly is the problem?


This will be the first major change in my desktop, however I got no clue whatsoever how to install the whole thing. I only managed to set the wallpaper by far =). Downloaded the .kth file, clicked on it but nothing happens, could anyone enlighten me ?


Amarok theme doesn't work for me. Downloaded it, then in Amarok settings -> configuration : amarok -> appearance -> install new theme, picked nouvext2.5-amarok, no changes. Splash screen does not work either, downloaded it then system settings -> splash screen -> add new, doesn't recongize downloaded packade as ksplash theme. I copied it the /usr/share/apps/themes, it appeared in possible splash screens but does not work. Is it a curse or I am doing something wrong or is my kde somehow broken ? Please, get me unstuck.


Alright... Make sure that you have Polyester installed, deKorator, moodin, and if you like, KBFX and Kooldock (Ksmoothdock works too). The polyester config file goes in /home/(username)/.qt/ . In order to install the ktheme file open up the system settings (control center), appearance, theme manager, and install new theme. For some odd reason on most distros you can't just click the ktheme file and have it install. So now you have the style and color scheme, you should be able to follow the instructions listed above for the icon set.


Don't worry, I don't think that your KDE is broken, It just isn't very user friendly. It is the same struggles that everyone new to KDE has when first switching over. So, the reason the splash theme isn't working is probably because you do not have moodin installed. All of my splash themes require moodin, it makes my life a lot easier to develop themes this way. As for the Amarok theme, if you install it and apply it, everything should work perfectly.


There are no instructions in what I downloaded, and the .kth file does nothing. How are you supposed to use the polyester file?


sorry about that. The revisions to the theme are not completely finished yet so I haven't bothered to make a master readme for the whole theme. The polyester config goes in ~./qt . The ktheme file should give you the color scheme and I have yet to upload the dekorator.


NP, I'm using what I can and really love it. Thanks for replying, can't wait to have the full finished thing! :)

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version 2.5.4
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pageviews 24h 2

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