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KKTerminal is a simple small terminal emulator for gtk2/3.

Single instance app, but can be launced in a new instance by using the '-m' switch.

Open new instance of kkterminal and list the contents of '/'
kkterminal -m --command="ls /"

Open /usr and / in new tabs in running copy of kkterminal
kkterminal --new-tab=/usr --new-tab=/

Open new instance of kkterminal at pos 100,200 with width=800 and height=400
kkterminal -m -x 100 -y 200 -w 800 -g 400

Bring kkterminal to front ( or start if not running )

Open a new tab, then run the rest of the command line in a new tab
kkterminal --tab -e man kkterminal

Supports drag'n'drop of files onto tab to paste single quoted filepath.
supports drag'n'drop of text into window ( no quoting ).

Background/forground colours are set in the prefs file here:

You can choose to display icons or not in the menus ( in gtk3 ) by setting iconsinmenu 1 in the prefs file.

Prefs used so far:
forecol white
backcol black
windowsize 1311 345 382 1142
font Monospace 10
showmbar 1
iconsinmenu 1

Prefs can now be set from the preferences menu, changes to colours take effect on new shells, changes to menu icons ( gtk3 only ) take place on restart.
More prefs to come!

The idea of this is to have a small USABLE terminal emulator without all the bloat of other emulators, suggestions, bug reports etc welecome, send to:
Webpage here:

I have only just started this project so look for lots more to come.

Why KKTerminal?, just 'cos it matches my editor KKEdit here:
Last changelog:


First release.

Added '--hold' option to hold the tab open.
Tabs now close when last proc terminates.
Added 'Bold Colour' to prefs.
Added 'Allow Bold' to prefs.
Fixed -e needing args to be quoted.
Switched to getopts from gapplication version.
Added prefs GUI.
Added short cut to hide menubar.
Updated manpage to include new features.
Added -e/-x switch, executes all the rest of the command line in a new tab ( ALL args after this are swallowed ).
Added 'iconsinmenu' to prefs, set to 1 to enable icons in gtk3 menus, 0 for standard ( boring! ) gtk3 menus.

Added tab navigation via menu or keyboard.
Code clean.
Shortcut keys now work when menu bar hidden.
Added 'Hide Menu Bar' to 'View' menu.
Added 'Toggle menu bar' to context menu.
Completly redone options, kkterminal --help for details.
Updated manpage.
Added open new tab in ARG.
Added open tab in PWD.
Added run command in new tab..
Added print help.

Added online help to help menu ( sic ).
Fixed multiple instance segfault.
Updated manpage.
Added --width|-w, --height|-g, --xpos|-x, --ypos|-y to options to set width, heitgh startx and starty from command line overiding saved position.
Squeezed gtk3 tabs a bit more.
Added standard hot keys to menu items.
Changed to stock men items with icons for gtk2.
Window icon set for window pagers etc.
Added font and size to prefs ( eg font Monospace 10 ).

Called from the command line opens new shell in current directory.
New Shell now opens new tab in directory of current tab
Window size/position now saved on exit.
Set window size added to prefs ( eg windowsize 1000 400 200 100 ).
Added '--command,-e' option to inject command into shell ( injected into all shell if multiple folders given on command line ).
Fixed pop menu in terminal not copying/pasting from/to correct window.

Made tabs smaller ( gtk2 only ).
New shell now switches to new tab.
CD's to folder given on command line.
Uses single instance.
Started single instance code.
Tweaked install locations.

Prefs file now unique.
Set tabs width to fill window.
Set tabs size smaller.
Done close tab from menu.
Added keyboard cut/paste.
Added context menu.
Added menubar.
Added close button to tab label.
Made tabs reorderable
App quits on final shell exiting.
Page removed when shell exits.
Added prefs file ( shared with kkedit terminal plugin prefs ).
Added basic d'n'd for text and files.

Basic terminal working.
Project start.

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license GPLv3
version 0.1.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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