Office-Style back to 2007 XFCE and MATE
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@elbullazul, thank you for your reply. You may download the Luna2GTK3+ icon package at this link: This will solve the problem of some icons being huge on some themes. crustbucket-may the penguin be with you!
Thanks for your reply, bluedxca93. I used this code to get the segmented progressbar from winXP: I noticed you had a "assets" folder and that you had some "url" settings in your code. So I made a .png called "block" and put it in the gtk3.22 "assets" folder using this code from the gtk3.0 folder of a Windows XP theme that works on gtk3.0 Like this: border-image: url("assets/progressbar-horizontal-trough.png") 6 7 6 7 / 6px 7px 6px 7px stretch; background-image: url("assets/block.png") After changing all the code regarding the progressbar I ended up with a segmented green progressbar like windows XP. I didn't know that you could have a URL in gtk3.22 css3 code. That helps a lot. I have ported the win7 icons over to GTK3.20 if you would like I can upload them to include in this theme. Thanks, crust Thanks
Hi, your method has some defaults but im glad you found the class to edit. I am working on a new more future oriented version of aero. Soon i post my first prototype here. Perhaps you simply can create an issue on github aero-experimental branch. It would be a lot easier for me than posting comments here.
hi, even if I have nothing in this discussion, I'm very interested in your win7 icon theme. Can you please post a link or upload them to github?
Yes, I will try to upload Luna2 by the end of the week. It usually fixes the problem of too large icons on some GTK3+ desktops. Crustbucket-may the penguin be with you!
This is beautiful, thank you for your great work. Running it on Ubuntu Mate 16.10. Could you give me some insight on how to change the progressbar to the type used in Windows XP, ie same color with segmented blocks? Thanks, Crust
background: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,0), rgba(255,255,255,0) 10px, #8df179 0, #1c720c 23px ) That is just an idea. I do try to insert it tomorrow. so i can send you a patch file I can maybe create a new branch featuring your idea.
I wouldn't call it a "product" cause Look is not supposed to be a supermarket. Nice looking theme indeed! Hey, it's not easy to make them work with 3.20. Congrats.