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This is a Plasma Panel and Plasmoid that try to implement the mac or plank way of task management...
Now Dock development is deprecated!!!!

All the new efforts have moved to Latte Dock!!!
the following days there will be announcements and info about the new kid in the block!!!

KDE Store:

v0.5, compatible with Plasma 5.8
v0.4, compatible with Plasma 5.8
v0.3, compatible with Plasma 5.7

New Features in 0.5 - Panel
- masking support,transparent areas are letting their mouse events to go to dock's underneath windows
- visibility states: Below Active, Below Maximized, Windows Cover, Windows Go Below, Auto Hide, Always Visible
- beautiful sliding animation for showing or hiding the dock

- double layout with special spacer (-left and right- and -top and bottom-)
- Now Dock Panel Configuration Window
- add plasmoids and animate them
- lock plasmoids in order not to animate
- automatic categorizing of plasmoids that probably would break the hovering animation
- anchor the panels content in every way you want, center, left, right, top, bottom
- beautiful visuals for dragging and drag n' drop plasmoids
- support plasma's panel theme and set its background size
- translations

New Features in 0.5 - Plasmoid
-- real icon shadows all the time
-- various small improvements and adjustements in order to cooperate smoothly with the new architecture of Now Dock Panel 0.5

-- player buttons in menu
-- set activities for a task
-- fixes in animations
-- add window options
-- support different launchers per activity
-- window previews
-- highlight windows
-- anchor your plasmoid wherever you want in order to provide proper zoom animation
-- visual indicator for tasks progress (e.g. copying files)
-- configure animation duration
-- work smoothly with Now Dock Panel
-- zoom tasks on hover
-- various animations for several cases (e.g. adding, removing launchers and windows)
-- activities and virtual desktops agnostic
-- launchers
-- dragging, drag n. drop (from outside)
-- different coloring for states
-- plasma theming

Known Limitations:
- Transparent Panels are supported through a specialized produced theme (this is going to be fixed in Plasma 5.9)

You can now use the project's github page in order to translate and submit your translations....

Installation Steps

Step 1: Uninstall any locally installed now dock components by using the script
Step 2: the installation process for Now Dock Panel 0.5 must be followed manually through the installation script!!! provides a "for all users" installation including the translations but it has some basic plasma dependencies

Requirements for build and install:
plasma-desktop >= 5.8.0

and development packages for:
Qt5Core >= 5.6.0
Qt5Qml >= 5.6.0
Qt5Quick >= 5.6.0
extra-cmake-modules >= 5.25.0
KF5Plasma >= 5.25.0 (plasma-framework-devel)
KF5PlasmaQuick >= 5.25.0 (kdeclarative-devel)
KF5WindowSystem >= 5.25.0 (kwindowsystem-devel)
KF5KDELibs4Support >= 5.25.0 (kdelibs4support-devel)
KF5CoreAddons >= 5.25.0 (kcoreaddons-devel)

Important 1: From version 0.5 the Now Dock Plasmoid is included in the Now Dock Panel
Important 2: until Plasma 5.9 comes out, for transparent panels you should use the python interface to produce a corresponding plasma theme,
Last changelog:


- merge plasmoid and panel into one package
- masking support,transparent areas are letting their mouse events to go to dock's underneath windows
- Visibility States: Below Active, Below Maximized, Windows Cover, Windows Go Below, Auto Hide, Always Visible
- beautiful sliding animation for showing or hiding the dock
- multi-screen support
- disabled compositing support
- real icon shadows all the time
- fix, settings activities for a task

Ratings & Comments



I have installed this version completely , How Do I activate ? The Dock / Panel won't show up . ( Installed via apper GTK , KDE , using Fedora 25 KDE) Thank You .


Does Fedora provide a package for it? If it does you can just right click on the desktop->Panels->Now Dock Default Panel if it doesnt the only way is to install it from source... as a notice Now Dock development has been stopped and all development efforts have moved to Latte Dock: unfortunately Fedora has a bug for this according to reports from our user base of Latte and needs adjustments after installation...


How did you go about getting rid of the panel itself? Even when I use autohide I get this annoying bar that pops up. sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't: Suggestions?


Now Dock can be considered deprecated It is now replaced by the more evolved Latte-dock In it is present, the 0.5.91 version but my strong suggestion is to download and install directly from the master branch from: and here is the F.A.Q's page: Before running the installation script you have to install the dependencies needed for compiling and then you can easily, download and install from the last master branch by running these commands: git clone cd Latte-Dock ./


you need to use the python transparent panel gui to produce a plasma theme that has transparent panel at bottom (south)


Unfortunately it does not install....I have installed all dependencies but get the same error; CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:10 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "ECM" (requested version 0.0.11) with any of the following names: ECMConfig.cmake ecm-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "ECM" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "ECM_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "ECM" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.


which distro are u using? I think you need also, extra-cmake-modules


Yup, that did it! I was missing the extra-cmake-modules. I am using Maui Linux which has KDE Neon as its base. Thank you for your help!!


Nice! I like this panel and what you try to do with it. First, it was not easy to install using the script (dependencies problems), but I managed to do it without knowing much things. Later I installed it with AUR (Manjaro), and that was really easy... I don't understand everything, how to configure, but I am still discovering. I believe it might replace the actual default plasma panel. Great work, thank you!


I like this dock and what you try to do with it. It was not easy to install (dependencies problems), but I managed to do it without knowing much things. I don't understand everything, the way it works, but I am still discovering. I believe it might replace the actual default plasma panel... Great work, thank you!


In plasma 5.8.4, the script works successfully, but when I open the plasmoid or panel I get the message: Error loading QML file: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/ module "org.kde.nowdock" is not installed


Never mind I found this bug on the github page.


HI Psifidotos I use opensuse tumbleweed plasma 08/05/90 but I have no problems with "" if I run the command: python .Customized South I get: user theme: .Customized Disabled Shadows left topleft top topright right kbuildsycoca5 running ... Recreating KSycoca file ("/home/Ivan/.cache/ksycoca5_it_o+u3SnQQWnjKCri7qlMd6FSVL5w=", version 303) kf5.kservice.sycoca: Parse error in "/home/Ivan/.config/menus/applications-merged/", line 1, with 1: "unexpected end of file" The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/Home.desktop" has Type = "Link" instead of "Application" or "Service" kf5.kservice.sycoca: Invalid Service: "/usr/share/applications/Home.desktop" kf5.kservice.sycoca: The menu contains spec file to Layout or DefaultLayout tag without the mandatory Merge tag inside. Please fix your file. Saving


I was able to install in Plasma 5.8 using the install script from the master package, but the dock plasmoid is integrated completely into the panel, not above it like a dock. To make it look like a dock, as in your images, I have to use just the plasmoid on the desktop without the panel. Is there some settings that I am missing?


The plasmoid must be in the panel. What is missing I think is a plasma theme that is going to have that spesific panel transparent. You should use the following python script/gui: extract it and click on, it should help you to create that special theme from any of your system's themes. Important Notice: You must disable the Desktop Effects, Blur and Window Contrast after you enable the specialized theme


Hi. In first place, thanks for your work. I am trying to use this extension, but I have a problem: it installs without problem but when I select Add Panel, there is not option for Now Dock Panel. I am using OpenSuse 42.1 with plasma 5.7.95. How can I make to add a now dock panel?


I received today a report for this... That in Plasma 5.8 the panel is not shown in the list... I am are trying to find out that has changed in Plasma 5.8 and this broke... I will keep you informed!! There is a chance that with manual installation of the package after I have updated something, this will be fixed...


I can confirm it works on Plasma 5.8 using the script. Btw Great Work!


Thank u !! Small Notice: Next version 0.4 should be installed only through the install script!! 1-click install will not be exposed to the user in order to protect its system

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 0.5.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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