Description: Есть в Cinnamon'е полезный для ноутбука апплет — индикатор состояния CapsLock/NumLock, но устанавливается он некорректно и после установки не работает. Причина — в неправильном имени папки с апплетом. Я переименовал папку и нарисовал новые значки, которые хорошо видны как на тёмной, так и на светлой панели. Можно было сделать и символьные иконки, но их хуже видно.
Переключение мышью, правда, всё равно не работает, но мне и не надо. =)
Скопируйте папку с апплетом в ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets (только для себя) или /usr/share/cinnamon/applets (для всех пользователей)
There was a notebook-useful applet for Cinnamon Tray — CapsLock/NumLock state indicator. But it did not work if to be installed via ControlCenter due to incorrect applet folder name. That name was 'betterlock' instead of proper one 'betterlock@entelechy'. I have renamed the folder and changed original .PNG icons to .SVG ones of my own. They are visible fine both at dark and light background. I could make symbolic icons but they would look worse.
Mouse switching of CapsLock/NumLock does not work but I do not need that feature. =)
Copy applet folder to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets (for yourself only) or /usr/share/cinnamon/applets (for everybody)
9+ Works well... but takes up a fair bit of space (a bit less panel space would be better... maybe combine to a single square showing combinations of number/letters).
Sorry, I'm not the author of this plug-in. I've just managed it to work. I didn't change its code 'cause I'm pretty dumb in coding.
ry to contact the author.
The newer betterlock version does exist. It allows turning off needless indicator. My netbook hasn't "grey" numeric keyboard so I removed numlock state indicator to save panel space.
Ratings & Comments
9 + Works well... but takes up a fair bit of space (a bit less panel space would be better... maybe combine to a single square showing combinations of number/letters).
Sorry, I'm not the author of this plug-in. I've just managed it to work. I didn't change its code 'cause I'm pretty dumb in coding. ry to contact the author. The newer betterlock version does exist. It allows turning off needless indicator. My netbook hasn't "grey" numeric keyboard so I removed numlock state indicator to save panel space.
Работает четко на Mint 17.3 x 64. СПАСИБО ! Works well on Mint 17.3 x 64. THANK you !
Пожалуйста! Here you are!