notice You must use a panel size of 24 px If the folders "weather" and "icons" does not exist, create it. For xfce4-panel 4.13.4 set the "Fixed Icons Size (pixels):" 16
Español =============================== Iconos muy inspirados en el tema de Iconos Papirus
Nota El panel debe tener un tamaño de 24 px Si las carpetas "weather" e "icons" no existen, crealas. Para xfce4-panel 4.13.4 establecer el "Tamaño de iconos fijos (píxeles):" 16
Changelog (Engrish) 2019-04-19 The size of the 22 px icons was changed to 16 px so as not to be shrunk by xfce4-panel (only for xfce4-panel 4.13.4, if it is lower than 4.13.4 the version 20180101 should be used). Change in the colors of the icons for 22 px icons.
2018-01-01 Redesign to better match the Papirus icon theme.
2016-12-28 New color for 22 px icons. Some adjustments.
10ahhhh ok try again rewind time: trick the sys to show weather icons in weather update and boom if you dont like the 22 px del that and paste all of 48s icons and their your closer to windows 10 icons
bruh forgot to say dont del that del the icons then paste the 48 px ones and my setup was to copy /usr/share/xfce4 idk i forgot but any way find /weather/icons then find any folder that this liquid-dark or liquid or if you have it the 3th one copy any of them and put it in /home/user/.config "note you cant see it only if you enable "see hidden files" anyway /weather/icons and paste the file you just copyed a min ago and move all of the folders not the zip the files like clima clima-b clima-w and del the files not the info file note not the climas the liquid-dark or liquid and del the other files as i said not info file and then paste the clama and 2 others to it and if it says file all ready is alive then say over wright it and go to weather update and find clima this might only work on Debian 11 i386 arc but ANYWAY ahhhhhh hoooooo sorry need to take a breath AnYwAy try it on any other and see if it works if not then try debian 11 on a i386 arc so bye :3 time to be real raccoon BYE BYE friend HOPE I SEE YOU soon
Thanks! Indeed, it does look out of place, even though I use a dockbar. I can't quite put my finger on why though. Maybe beause the icons are on the left and the text on the right, I don't know..
But again, congrats on the gorgeous icons!
Pretty cool, thanks a lot!
They look really cool on Linux Mint 18 (XFCE, doh!)
I had to create the "weather/icons" directories.
cd Downloads
cd ~/.config/xfce4/
mkdir -p weather/icons
cp -R ~/Downloads/Clima ~/.config/xfce4/weather/icons/
And select the "Clima" icon theme from the Appareance tab on the Weather Update plugin properties.
Hey, muchas gracias!
Queda muy bueno en Linux Mint 18 XFCE, lo estoy usando con los iconos de GNOME Colors, y se ve muy bien.
Tuve que crear los directorios "~/.config/xfce4/weather/icons/".
Excelente trabajo.
Ratings & Comments
10 ahhhh ok try again rewind time: trick the sys to show weather icons in weather update and boom if you dont like the 22 px del that and paste all of 48s icons and their your closer to windows 10 icons
bruh forgot to say dont del that del the icons then paste the 48 px ones and my setup was to copy /usr/share/xfce4 idk i forgot but any way find /weather/icons then find any folder that this liquid-dark or liquid or if you have it the 3th one copy any of them and put it in /home/user/.config "note you cant see it only if you enable "see hidden files" anyway /weather/icons and paste the file you just copyed a min ago and move all of the folders not the zip the files like clima clima-b clima-w and del the files not the info file note not the climas the liquid-dark or liquid and del the other files as i said not info file and then paste the clama and 2 others to it and if it says file all ready is alive then say over wright it and go to weather update and find clima this might only work on Debian 11 i386 arc but ANYWAY ahhhhhh hoooooo sorry need to take a breath AnYwAy try it on any other and see if it works if not then try debian 11 on a i386 arc so bye :3 time to be real raccoon BYE BYE friend HOPE I SEE YOU soon
Can you please upload vector/source version of this here? The link below is broken
9 +
9 +nice
9 +
9 + Great job!!!
Thanks man.
9 +
9 +
Very cool icons!
Thanks, any feedback is appreciated.
9 +
Absolutely beautiful icons! Do you mind sharing the svg to see how the simple icons look on a bigger pane?
Thank you, I do not think it is possible, I tried it and gave it up, (looks awful lol). Take:
Thanks! Indeed, it does look out of place, even though I use a dockbar. I can't quite put my finger on why though. Maybe beause the icons are on the left and the text on the right, I don't know.. But again, congrats on the gorgeous icons!
Good job! This is the only monochrome theme for xfce4-weather-plugin, and it looks really good!
EDIT: There is also WSky-Light, which is monochrome too, but this one is still very good!
Pretty cool, thanks a lot! They look really cool on Linux Mint 18 (XFCE, doh!) I had to create the "weather/icons" directories. cd Downloads unzip cd ~/.config/xfce4/ mkdir -p weather/icons cp -R ~/Downloads/Clima ~/.config/xfce4/weather/icons/ And select the "Clima" icon theme from the Appareance tab on the Weather Update plugin properties. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hey, muchas gracias! Queda muy bueno en Linux Mint 18 XFCE, lo estoy usando con los iconos de GNOME Colors, y se ve muy bien. Tuve que crear los directorios "~/.config/xfce4/weather/icons/". Excelente trabajo.
Muchas gracias amigo, y gracias también por tu tiempo en explicar la forma correcta para instalarlo y configurarlo.