Description: Tree-List Conky. Modified for Conky v1.10 ONLY. Modify it for your own use--just credit me if you re-publish it. It will take a bit of work to reset the tree as you change it, but the end look is worth it!!!! All line mods are included in the first line. Will display IPv6 addresses. I use dual NIC change the address areas to eth0 or whatever you normally use.
Version 2 is for 6 CPUs.
To remove the "box" in Version 1 or add it to Version 2 just add or remove "--" (without the quotes) before own_window_argb_value = 120, & own_window_colour = '#263041', plus play with own_window_transparent = true, by changing to "false" (without the quotes & reverse that for Version 1)
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9 +
tung lista klass2
English, please?