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Made by paulxfce

A clear and easy-on-the-eyes theme that is meant for those who use the Gnome-desktop professionally on a daily basis. The focus in this theme is compatibility: GTK-2 applications and GTK-3 applications look virtually the same. Libre-office, Scribus, Evolution, Geary, Planner, GnuCash, LaTeXila, Geany, the Gimp, Inkscape,...

Chrome, firefox, Web and Opera have no issues with this theme.

About the looks, you will notice some Elementary-theme, Arc-theme and Gnome-OSX.

The NEW VERSION Gnome-PRO is Gnome 3.28 ready, with crispier fonts, new hover-effects and new check- and radio-items, and the use of gradient-colors (even on GTK2-menu's), and reduced clutter on the headerbar (simple headerbar buttons) makes this new version a more serene, comfortable layout for your daily jobs.

IMPORTANT: This theme works best with 'Myriad Set Pro Semibold'. Just google it, and make sure you ONLY install the 'semibold' -version, not the complete 'family', because then, your system will use the regular version instead of the semibold version of Myriad Set Pro. The semibold-version (here in my set-up at 12pt) is easier on the eyes.


First, This theme only works in the gnome-desktop, with GTK 3.20 -GTK 3.28, and also in Ubuntu 18.04+

Next, buttons should be on the right side. If they are not: here is the terminal-code:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close"
In Gnome 3.26, the Tweak-tool makes it easier to change the button-position. The above commands are then no longer necessary.

When, as such, theming does not look the way it should be: make sure you have installed the necessary theme-"engines":
Make sure the GTK2-engines-pixbuff are installed:

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf is the terminal command in Ubuntu.


- The gnome-themes-standard package,
- The murrine engine. This has different names depending on your distro.
gtk-engine-murrine (Arch Linux)
gtk2-engines-murrine (Debian, Ubuntu, elementary OS)
gtk-murrine-engine (Fedora)
gtk2-engine-murrine (openSUSE)
gtk-engines-murrine (Gentoo)

How to install:

Download the theme.

Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory.
Then use Tweak-tool to select the GTK-theme. For systemwide use (or if you use SNAP-packages) make sure the theme resides in USR/SHARE/THEMES/

LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take full effect !


Please comment if you see things broken, or want differently. I will post fixes as soon as possible.


27/04/2018: license-requirements.
23/11/2017: Fixed the maximize-button in Chrome-browser when maximized (using chrome-browser's own titlebuttons)
04/11/2017: Corrected the windowtitle-color in dark version (thanks to btd1337!)
29/10/2017: New Theme: Gnome PRO II
15/08/2017: Added Gnome PRO-light-blue + (heavier font-rendering)
8/08/2017: Added Gnome PRO+ ( heavier font-rendering); Polishing and solving bugs
2/08/2017: Added a third version: Gnome-PRO-Dark
1/08/2017: Now support for dark mode!

Some (like Terminal, Photos, Videos and the Weather-app) default to the dark mode now.

To use to global Dark theme just use the switch in the appearance-tab in Tweak-tool, log out and back in to apply.
Bear in mind that GTK-2-app's do not switch to dark mode.

Other changes:

- GTK 2-buttons are smaller (so they look like GTK3-buttons)
- Changed Tooltip-color to white-on-black
- removed double code
25/07/2017: Added Gnome-PRO-LighterBlue and removed Gnome-PRO-DifSelCol.
23/07/2017: Added a extra theme-version (Gnome-PRO-DifSelColor)
Last changelog:

Bugfixes and license-requirements

Bugfixes and adressing licensing-requirements

Ratings & Comments



10 This remains my favorite paulxfce theme! Do you expect an update sometime? I like the window decorations more than those of Wrk-PRO. Thanks!


Please? :)




Maybe you can do a dark version, I will appreciate


9 9 excellent Looks great and for some reason makes me feel calm. Thank you


10 10 the best


9 +


9 Look very good. Switched from McOS ;)


9 +


9 +Very Good!


9 For people who prefer blue color to orange - this theme is the one.


Hi there, would add padding to the drop-down item? As you can see in this( picture, I think it would be better to add padding to the left and right of the item.


Hi there, neat theme, love it. However, got few issues. I'm trying using it in MATE. Overall it is great, I love it for smaller controls but all variants apart from Dark1.2 block the background image. I fixed this by commenting out background-image:linear-gradient() in section .background in ./gtk-3.0/gtk.css Related: MATE uses white font in its keyboard layout applet for showing the current locale and this is not seen at all in light versions of the theme. I understand that you cannot change the background on an app-based basis. Thus, will dig inside gtk.css as well. Will report if can fix it smoothly. Also, MATE cannot see the variant "Pro II" as it is packed as .xz while MATE looks for .gx archives only upon "Install..." Minus these minor and perhaps just MATE related issues - extreme work, keep going, dude!


um, i still like the older gnome-pro-lighterblue version better. the gradients give it a 3D feel that IMO doesn't seem to match with the rest of the theme


For this nice theme I noticed the same problem on synaptic package manager reported for OSX theme (see my comment about this). It would be magic if you could fix the problem! Thanks!


Well pesgo. The problem is not theme-related. The problem is that Synaptic Package manager is a root-application. Which do not follow the theme, because there is any in the root! So what you need to is this: 1. Make sure you have a .font, a .icons and a .themes folder in your home folder 2. We need to make symbolic links to these file in the root directory with these terminal commands : sudo ln -s /home/[username]/.themes /root/.themes sudo ln -s /home/[username]/.icons /root/.icons sudo ln -s /home/[username]/.fonts /root/.fonts And replace the username (and its brackets) with you home folder name. Then execute them one by one. 3. Restart your computer; et voila all is solved... If, for some reason, it didn't work check your root folder with this terminal command: sudo nautilus, this wil open a root-nautilus window. Look in the file-system that pops up for thr root-folder. If the three files (.fonts/.icons/;themes) are there? then you have done you job right and everything should work if you restart


Hi Guys, First of all thanks a lot for your support and your patience sorry if I use this channel to answer but it seems to me the easiest to understand if it is a misunderstanding. In fact I want to attach an image of the Synaptic screen to make it clear what I mean (different gray shades in the buttons part, on the left). It may be that at the end this is its normal appearance? I followed all the instructions you have given me and nothing has changed. I had already applied it to the existing folders (only .icons and .themes). I can only say that the .fonts folder was not present in my home (now it is created but is empty). Now all 3 folders are present and linked to the root folder. Even copying the theme into the usr / share / themes folder, it does not change anything in Synaptic's appearance. I'm Italian, sorry for my poor English thanks again for the support.


Hi Guys, First of all thanks a lot for your support and your patience Sorry but it seems to me the easiest to understand if it is a misunderstanding if I attach an image of the Synaptic screen to make it clear what I mean (different gray shades in the buttons part, on the left). It may be that, at the end, this is its normal appearance? See , please (I hope the link works). I followed all the instructions you have given me and nothing has changed. I had already applied it to the existing folders (only .icons and .themes). I can only say that the .fonts folder was not present in my home (now it is created but is empty). Now all 3 folders are present and linked to the root folder. Even copying the theme into the usr / share / themes folder, it does not change anything in Synaptic's appearance. I'm Italian, sorry for my poor English thanks again for the support.


The screenshot sows that Synaptic Package manager uses the usual toolbar- background, but then it stops when there are no more buttons to show. From then on, the original default background appears , which uses this gradient: background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom left,rgba(235,240,244,1),rgba(221,227,232,1),rgba(221,227,232,1),rgba(238,244,246,1)); } Which is a four-color-gradient. That moves from the right top to the left bottom of the area. So colors can different within the same background-area


Sorry but I'm not so skilled to understand it well Does this mean that it is the normal aspect that you have to meet? Or is it possible to match the color gradient even in the area where there are no buttons? Thanks again for the support


Hi Paulxfce! do you have any news about the aspect of synaptic? could it be a bug in my system or is its normal appearance? thanks for support


Can we get a pt 2 Dark set as well? Keep up the great work


Please, would it be possible to correct the title color of windows in dark applications? Problem screenshot: In previous versions this code solved the problem: headerbar .title, .titlebar:not(headerbar) .title { color: rgba(175, 175, 175, 1); // any light color } But in II version this doesn't works.


In file gtk-dark.css


I found solution! In file gtk-dark.css it's necessary to change the selector: headerbar .title, .titlebar:not(headerbar) .title { } Include this code into selector, reload Gnome Shell (alt + f2 + r) and will work! headerbar .title, .titlebar:not(headerbar) .title { color: rgba(175, 175, 175, 1.00); text-shadow: none; padding-left: 12px; padding-right: 12px;} Screenshot: Or replace this gtk-dark.css for this: Is it possible to include the fix in future releases?

2 Plings
0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 3.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 6

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