9I have been using this theme for 3 years straight, no objection. I especially like how my terminal looks when I switch to dark mode. Now the real issue: gtk4 will start getting deployed slowly, will this theme still work? Does the creator have any wish to update it in case it doesn't? Ty
Thanks so much for the comment and the rating. Currently I’m somewhat busy with my studies, so I didn’t have any time to test gtk4. I’ll definitely try to update this theme for gtk4 whenever I get a chance.
Thanx a lot!
Just one issue: Radio buttons and checkboxes are not displayed as in your screenshot. They are just red squares. When clicked, they do what they're supposed to do, but do not change visually.
Ratings & Comments
9 I have been using this theme for 3 years straight, no objection. I especially like how my terminal looks when I switch to dark mode. Now the real issue: gtk4 will start getting deployed slowly, will this theme still work? Does the creator have any wish to update it in case it doesn't? Ty
Thanks so much for the comment and the rating. Currently I’m somewhat busy with my studies, so I didn’t have any time to test gtk4. I’ll definitely try to update this theme for gtk4 whenever I get a chance.
9 +
Buttons on mine is showing red squares. Please fix it.
Thanx a lot! Just one issue: Radio buttons and checkboxes are not displayed as in your screenshot. They are just red squares. When clicked, they do what they're supposed to do, but do not change visually.
Looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/8che9Wa.png Reproduced on two different machines with Fedora 27 and Solus OS (both Gnome Shell 3.26.2)
very nice theme. thanks, man.
9 Makes 16.04 look downright beautiful. :)
9 very cool theme nice work