Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Abdulkaiz Khatri
Check README.md for installation, uninstallation, and personalize cursor sizes or colors.
Bibata Styles:
- Bibata Modern: Round Edges Bibata Cursors
- Bibata Original: Sharp Edges Bibata Cursors
XCursor Sizes:
16x16, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 28x28, 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 56x56, 64x64, 72x72, 80x80, 88x88, 96x96
Windows Cursor Size:
- 16x16 - Small
- 24x24 - Regular
- 32x32 - Large
- 48x48 - Extra Large
How to Personalize Bibata
Visit https://www.bibata.live to personalize and download your own Bibata Cursor.
License & Terms:
'Bibata_Cursor' is available under the terms of the 'GPL-3.0' license.
Changes for Developers/Package Distributors:
- The 'build.toml' and 'build.right.toml' files have been removed. Instead, the cursor build configurations are now distributed according to platforms within the 'configs' directory:
- 'configs/normal/x.build.toml': Used to build normal XCursor.
- 'configs/normal/win_rg.build.toml': Used to build normal regular size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/normal/win_lg.build.toml': Used to build normal large size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/normal/win_xxl.build.toml': Used to build normal extra large size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/right/x.build.toml': Used to build right XCursor.
- 'configs/right/win_rg.build.toml': Used to build right regular size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/right/win_lg.build.toml': Used to build right large size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/right/win_xxl.build.toml': Used to build right extra large size Windows cursors.
What's New?
- Redesign hands cursor for 'bibata-*-right' cursors (Related to #112)
- Attach version meta-data inside cursor packages
Issues Fixes
- Fixes #159
- Fixes #158
- Fixes #161
Ratings & Comments
10 i love this theme
10 Just beautiful, included on my first Linux distro Mint 22 Cinnamon.
10 one of the best cursors ever
9 Beautiful cursor
9 the zooming and exit ones do not have the same pattern, and that's my only criticise of this tool!
9 Thank you very much for this wonderful cursor set.
10 nice
9 9 excellent
10 Excellent!!!
10 These cursors just make me happy
6 text select look tacky, not clear unless i make the size bigger than normal. other than that its great.
10 10 the best
10 Very nice cursor pack one of my favorite
10 My favorite cursors
Thanks mate for review <3
Thank you so much
9 9 excellent
the best looking minimal cursor pack
10 Pretty!
10 So cute!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
Thanks for rating <3
7 Very good, but the colored corner resize versions are not for me
9 9 excellent