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I am leaving this at the same name I came up with a few years ago as is the same principle. I have done the utmost to improve on looks and quality. I am still hoping to capture the quick load on every device possible. The gtk.css file is still rather small since is still under 800 lines and now contains more linked pictures. I did not have a choice on that matter, since I have not found a fix for the check and radio buttons. I was under the impression, that was taken care of as a system default for a few years now. Apparently, I am wrong and apologize for that error on my last upload. As not to litter GL with tons of themes, I will be updating the last one and others in one simple file within a few weeks. Yes, sorry for that delay also, but I want to insure I am putting out quality themes that are usable and very enjoyable. I am taking great pride in Cyana-3D since I always set it to my default theme on systems I build. Why? Very easy to use for hours on end when one is working with system files. Bright backgrounds seem to be real tough on me, so I always stick with this one. Sure, the others I have built are also mostly darker in nature, and I will sometimes use them, but I always return to Cyana-3D.

I will once again remind everyone, the name comes from Freudiana and the color Cyan. Freudiana was written by the late Eric Wolfson, more commonly known for his partnership with Alan Parsons as the Alan Parsons Project. Eric was a great musician and person. I dedicate this beautiful work of art to his name. Least, I can do for all his beautiful music and such a beautiful attitude to match. Music and Art seem to go hand in hand.

For the technical aspect, but only in layman's terms. I have done my best to recreate the metacity properties we all love and were used to. Yes, the return of the stop lights on the headerbar. I have the steppers in here, but are not quite as large as before. I do not ever plan to give those up. Those of us, using smaller devices rely on them. For nemo and nautilus, I am using system icons as to not look cheap. Gtkrc, yes has dust on it. Is the same exact one as before, but for new users that want to download this theme it is there for them. I just loaded 17.10 Ubuntu on my main computer and LXDE looked just great still, so no real need to redo that one yet. Hovers are back in force. Just lacking on Nautilus. Everyone knows that row hover is a disaster, so that is not to be used again. Nemo responds greatly to the new hover, but I lost on Nautilus, which is part of the reason for further delay on updating more themes. Personally, Nautilus is not pretty and I use Nemo. Still, that is my preference and I am still looking to cover all my users preferences too. Gnome Tweak has the hover on the list and buttons. On off switch button color has been changed to more resemble a realistic switch. I am still hoping to create the illusion of 3-D, so the more I can extend to that fact, I have.

I am hoping those that do not like the looks, will find another and not bicker about this. Let's just be adults and enjoy each others works. I am still hoping to help younger users and if the looks are not to your liking, the shorter gtk.css can be modified very easily and quickly to obtain the exact looks you want. There isn't 4000-15,000 lines here, only about 800, so is quite a cutback. Even the stock Ambiance is somewhere around 4000 lines with all the additions. I am however hoping I will get input on the working aspect of the theme, if all works well and what device is used on. As can be seen in my pictures was produced on a Asus Transformer T-102ch. Works well there, and thus far as of this morning works well on my desktop computer. Best wishes to all and will be back with more soon as possible.

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