This is a mash-up of several of my themes. Its major new main-feature is the dual-sidebar-behaviour in the file-manager (nautilus).
This theme is solid, tested and up-to-date for Gnome 3.26, to use as daily desktop-theme.
For Ubuntu 17.10+: Make sure that gtk2-engines-pixbuf is installed.
If not, open terminal and paste and execute this: sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf
How to install:
First: Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory. Then use Tweak-tool to select the GTK and shell theme. LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take effect !
Second: This theme was set out to use Myriad Set Pro Semibold (12pt,scaling factor:1,00) as the interface-font. This font is easy to get. Just google it...
Please try before commenting or ratingLast changelog:
3It does not look good on gmusicbrowser (an audio player). It looks too white on that player and low distinction between widgets, and highlighted lines stay with black text instead of white.
Ratings & Comments
9 Do you plan on updating this theme Paul? It's great nevertheless, thanks!
10 10 the best...I'm basically just making my computer look like Paul's these days lol. Myriad Set Pro Semibold 12pt is nice on older eyes too.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
Don't know for sure, there is little interest for this theme.
Any plans to update your Gnome-Veteran and/or Gnome-Pro themes?
metacity theme pleace
9 I tested it in Fedora and it looks great. I like this theme a lot. Adding a Pling and rate plus.
9 +
it seems to be OK. Thanks.
3 It does not look good on gmusicbrowser (an audio player). It looks too white on that player and low distinction between widgets, and highlighted lines stay with black text instead of white.
God job, my new default theme.
9 This is glorious. Truly exceptional IMHO. No issues at all. Thank you for sharing your work.
You’re welcome
Please, consider to create a github repository to receive support and donations. The community will be grateful!
what icon theme are you using?
could you post a link as I seems unable to locate it even via google. Thx
wrong file, not icons but font file