Description: Name is sort of a twist of Prince's song, as I sure did enjoy his works and wanted something to match. This originally replaced the Purple Popper series that I started. Well, here it is again with the name it took a few years ago and will say is once again pretty good to look at for those that enjoy the color Purple. As with everything else released today, has undergone a real makeover to look better and react the best I can get it to. Also, yes 2 files one for Gnome Flashback and the other for Cinnamon.
I did my very best to match some aspects of a similar car we owned for quite a few years, so was enjoyed by my partner. Without her, life is nothing. So, least she had this to enjoy on her Linux desktop, in which she actually prefers LXDE. So, you better believe that aspect is correct also! Of course, when I first did the series was nowhere near its present state. It has grown into something that is actually beautiful on the Gnome Flashback desktop as well as totally functional. I pride myself in doing everything possible and beating all odds. I hope others will enjoy this look as much as my partner does and use it on their desktops. Once again, main concern is the workings. I want to insure whoever and whatever device is on, works to the best of its ability. I have gone through all these themes for days to insure that. Of course, I am only human and we all know humans make mistakes. So, if you find one let me know so I can fix it. I only aim for it to be the best for all of us.
Thanks for looking and downloading. Best wishes to you, our great Gnome developers, GL and all the artists that contribute on GL. As always hope you find exactly what you are looking for.
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