Description: Cyana-3D V2 and Cyana back again with improvements and reduced file sizes. I have never claimed to be the greatest theme creator and never will. I just do my very best to show my vision of what I believe a desktop in 2017 approaching 2018 should look like. Flat and plain, not here, always raised, colorful and unique. I want to show everyone responsible for producing video cards and our great Gnome Developers, that their hard work and dedication is worth every second and priceless.
With that said, here comes the improvements. Gtkrc which was close to 3 years old is now new and smaller. As you can see in the pictures, pcmanfm resembles nemo a little more now. Buttons changed to resemble buttons on Gnome3.26 a little more. I dropped the border around scrollbars since was too bright along with a major reduction in coloring of the scrollbars. I felt was just too bright and annoying. I am trying my very best to give the greatest desktop experience on whatever desktop or device you have.
Picture on the Cinnamon desktop show the reduced and improved metacity folder located in Cyana. Due to the change of gtk.background to .background Cyana-3D V2 can not be used on Cinnamon due to background imagery which contains 3 shades of color. Metacity pngs have been reduced, but the action improved. Is now a little more visible to see hovers and clicks. Still, not the greatest, but until such time I can find .xml documentation to produce my new idea, will have to suffice.
I am proud and very excited to introduce a new first in my time as a theme creator. I have devised a newer method for the headerbar/titlebar buttons. Comes from a firm belief that words can describe many pictures when it comes to our great technology. I wanted more visibility on hovers and clicking on those buttons. I found this to be really nice and hoping you will agree is a great change. On backdrop instead of going white and looking plain and bland, these titlebar buttons go slightly dim but still visible. The wording that causes this action, not much more severe than a line linking pngs to the titlebar so is sweet. It is my sincere hope to incorporate this new look into .xml metacity files in the future along with searching for a way to produce headerbar/titlebar and buttons for gtkrc. Thus far, I have no way and any insight will be greatly appreciated. I am only seeking to produce the most advanced and enhanced desktop experience you can have and show those other OS's which one is the most beautiful in the world
Thanks for viewing these changes and I hope you find all to your liking on whatever device you may have. Is designed for all devices running Linux desktops. Problems or ideas, am here will enjoy knowing what you want to see or be able to fix whatever you find is not working properly. I want it great for everyone of us.
First off, awesome to hear from you!!!! You bet I am going to get some cinnamon themes going real soon. My transparent ones are a mess right now. Those are in the works and I will also be making the regular visible with shading types. Just taking time to understand all these changes. I am also hoping to eliminate a lot of pictures there also. Even though I do not have loads of time, I plan on being more thorough then ever so I can get the best look possible. I always loved Cinnamon and have been on Mint before I started assembling my own. I will never forget where I started. I just appreciate I have come this far so I can make things better for everyone. Also hoping with your vast knowledge of xml metacity, that you might be able to send some links so I can get some more info to go with script only and loose the pictures.
Ratings & Comments
7 7 good
r u going to make a cinnamon version for mint 18
First off, awesome to hear from you!!!! You bet I am going to get some cinnamon themes going real soon. My transparent ones are a mess right now. Those are in the works and I will also be making the regular visible with shading types. Just taking time to understand all these changes. I am also hoping to eliminate a lot of pictures there also. Even though I do not have loads of time, I plan on being more thorough then ever so I can get the best look possible. I always loved Cinnamon and have been on Mint before I started assembling my own. I will never forget where I started. I just appreciate I have come this far so I can make things better for everyone. Also hoping with your vast knowledge of xml metacity, that you might be able to send some links so I can get some more info to go with script only and loose the pictures.
i found some great metacity themes that use no pictures and look great. here is the link.