Made by paulxfce
A clear and easy-on-the-eyes theme that is meant for those who use the Gnome-desktop professionally on a daily basis. The focus in this theme is compatibility: GTK-2 applications and GTK-3 applications look virtually the same. Libre-office, Scribus, Evolution, Geary, Planner, GnuCash, LaTeXila, Geany, the Gimp, Inkscape,...
Chrome, firefox, Web and Opera have no issues with this theme.
About the looks, you will notice some Elementary-theme, Arc-theme and Gnome-OSX, in a darker version.
Gnome 3.28 ready, with crispier fonts, new hover-effects and new check- and radio-items, and the use of gradient-colors (even on GTK2-menu's), and reduced clutter on the headerbar (simple headerbar buttons) makes this new version a more serene, comfortable layout for your daily jobs. I've also added rounded and transparent menu's and context-menu's on GTK3-compliant app's.
IMPORTANT: This theme works best with 'Myriad Set Pro Semibold'. Just google it, and make sure you ONLY install the 'semibold' -version, not the complete 'family', because then, your system will use the regular version instead of the semibold version of Myriad Set Pro. The semibold-version (here in my set-up at 12pt) is easier on the eyes.
First, This theme only works in the gnome-desktop, with GTK 3.20 -GTK 3.26, and also in Ubuntu 17.10+
Next, buttons should be on the right side. If they are not: here is the terminal-code:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close" In Gnome 3.26, the Tweak-tool makes it easier to change the button-position. The above commands are then no longer necessary.
When, as such, theming does not look the way it should be: make sure you have installed the necessary theme-"engines"
Extract and put it into the themes directory i.e. ~/.themes/ or /usr/share/themes/ (create it if necessary).Then change the theme via distribution specific tool like Gnome tweak tool or Unity tweak tool, etc. (If you use Snap-packages instead of app's from the normal repositories than definitely put the theme to /usr/share/themes/.
How to install:
Please comment if you see things broken, or want differently. I will post fixes as soon as possible.
Pro-Dark is a gnome-theme that contains a modified GTKRC and GTK.CSS. As such the license is GPLv2.Last changelog:
Ratings & Comments
What icon theme is on screenshots?
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
Are you panning to update to Gnome 3.36?
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
A solid variant would be great too! Thanks gain!
10 Perfect! I think a colorless version is what users want, updated to gnome 3.32.
I will, soon...
Thanks in advance.
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
9 9 Great Easy on the eyes and consistent across all programs/applications. Thank you.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
this theme continues being my choice on ubuntu 19.04, is the option for me since its landing
9 +
9 +
9 +
9 +Using it on Fedora 29 and it is INCREDIBLE!!! GREAT JOB!
9 +Nice theme. It would be more looking good with a matching shell theme.
9 +interesting, minimalistic
Thanks for your work! This is my favorite theme for Gnome... could you please port it to Cinnamon if possible?
9 +