Working great on the Gnome (GTK-3.20+) and Xfce (GTK-2.0), For Gnome-Shell not yet included. But you can use my custom Gnome-Shell Vanilla-Vaganza, Download it at here -->> .
Info :
*Must have GTK-2 Engines :
-- GTK-2 engine Murrine
-- GTK-2 engine Pixbuf
Fedora/RedHat distros:
yum install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines
Ubuntu/Mint/Debian distros:
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf
pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines
*Packages :
-- xfwm4
-- xfce-notify-4.0 using gtk.css not using gtkrc anymore.
-- metacity
Icon theme: "Obsidian" by @madmaxms
*Installations :
-- Download and extract file then just copy paste extracted file to called ".themes" in your home file-manager directory (created the folder if you don't have it) then press Ctrl+H to found the folder.
-- Open your Gnome-Tweak-Tool (Tweaks) application, Tab in the section Theme "gtk+" and choosing "Bionic-X". Logout and login again to take full effect. That it's!
Vote, Rate/Fav this theme if you like it, Reports and feedback bugs, are always welcome

## Update, 1 June 2018 :
-- Fixed error (wrong script) GTK-3.0
-- Fixed Treeview text button
-- Fixed unreadable text entry focus
-- Now context-menu hovering color drop down have a space on the left and right side for GTK-2.0 and GTK-3.0 too (Look at the end screenshot) for more detail (2 image) on Gnome tweak and Audacious
-- Change unchecked and unchecked hover images on GTK-2.0 and GTK-3.0
*Donations :
Thanks for your donations!
Ratings & Comments
9 +
Thank you bro :)
Hahahaha.......I know what you mean bro :P Please re-download to get new update for fixed error on the text selection and entry text color :) Thanks!
9 +
Thank you @carloslinu
Nice different colors. I like it.
Thank you, Iam glad if you like it :) Please....give me feedback or report if you found some problem when using this theme, Appreciated it :)