Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

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For KDE Plasma only!
Chili is hot, just like a real chili! Spice up the login experience of your users, your family and yourself. Chili reduces all the clutter and leaves you with a clean, easy to use, login interface with a modern yet classy touch.

Chili for KDE Plasma is the desktop environment specific version with enhanced functionality . If you don't use Plasma as your desktop environment this theme won't work and you should instead install Chili for stand-alone SDDM.

Chili for KDE Plasma is highly customizable through its config file! You can alter the intensity of the background blur or even not have any blur at all! Have a custom password character or set the field to outline only. Things look too small on your screen? Change sizes to something that better suits your resolution! Don't like the circle? Use a custom PNG with transparency for your avatar! See the file or the Github README for details. You have an idea for an awesome feature? Comment your request on Github.

Please share some love and pling this theme if you're a supporter or up vote if you like this theme! You can become a supporter of opendesktop and the people who create content for your linux desktop for a one time donation for a full year. Your donation will help and encourage a lot of people to create new decorations, icons, themes and keep them maintained.

Let's help each other and get away from closed source enterprise driven content that gets dumped and unsupported after six months.
Let's make Linux popular!

Also be sure to check out my window decorations and folder icons that surely will fit well with your new login screen.


"System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM) > Get New Theme".
To access this setting the sddm-kcm package has to be installed. If in doubt use your package manager to search and if necessary install sddm-kcm first.
The background can be changed to anything you want on the right hand side in "System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM)". Select the large green button next to "Background:"



You might see some grey pixels around your user image which is caused by the the anti-aliasing of the opacity mask. You may change the fill color of the mask that resides in "components/artwork/mask.svg" to a color that better matches with your user images colors. Do not change the opacity of the mask. Take note that this might affect other user images with different colors present on your system.
To use a PNG file with transparency as your .face file please set the corresponding option UsePngInsteadOfMask in the config to true.

A word on my own

In the past years I have spent quite some hours on open source projects. If you are the type of person who digs attention to detail, know how much work is involved in it and/or simply likes to support makers with a coffee or a beer I would greatly appreciate your donation on my PayPayl account.
Last changelog:


- Fixes a bug where a custom set background, via System Settings for example, wouldn't be taken into account by the theme.

Ratings & Comments



9 Thanks... this one is so nice


10 Nice! laconic theme!


10 10 the best


9 9 excellent


hi, i download the package but i use xubuntu and install sddm by using apt, i want to use this theme on my sddm but i am unable to do that i copy the files of this theme to the theme directory or sddm and then put the folder name in the config file of sddm but after restart it don't work only black screen appear, but after change the folder name again to default in sddm config then it work for default theme but not for this one please help !


This version of the theme is specifically for use with the KDE Plasma desktop environment. For an independent version not requiring any specific DE please check this link:


10 Simples e bonito, tudo o que precisava para minha tela de login, sem contar que é bastante modificável, parabéns.


Muchísimas gracias renetupi. Agradezco el comentario ٩(◕‿◕。)۶




9 9 excellent


10 Perfect theme


Could you make a version for GDM? :)


I believe to have read on the Gnome sites that GDM doesn't allow custom themes anymore. If I'm wrong on this and someone knows resources or documentation for GDM themes, I'd be very interested.


10 10 the best


9 9 excellent


9 Apart from some minor tweaks, this is an amazing login screen, very polished and nice looking.


10 10 the best


i can find "System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM)" but there is no "get new themes button" ? is there a way to install it manually? im newbie in linux please show me the way. i really like your theme. im using debian 9 with kde plasma 5.8.6


Hey ramen. Download the plasma-chili.tar.gz file to your Home folder and open a new terminal. (The path in the following command changes if you save it elsewhere) You can copy paste the following command if you wish to do so or analyze it and execute it step by step: sudo tar -xzf ~/plasma-chili.tar.gz && sudo cp -R ~/plasma-chili /usr/share/sddm/themes/plasma-chili This will ask for your password. You should then be able to set your newly installed theme from the system settings. If you're not then you should copy the SDDM default config file and edit it: sudo cp /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/default.conf /etc/sddm.conf && sudo nano /etc/sddm.conf This will open an editor where you will have to find the [Theme] section and change: Current=plasma-chili Take note that Plasma 5.8.6 is quite behind the current stable version of KDE and may present unknown behavior. Everything should be fine though.


Hey, how do I control the background blur? Thanks for this amazing theme!


There are three settings concerning the blur effect in your theme.conf file which can be usually found at /usr/share/SDDM/themes/chili. These are Blur=true , RecursiveBlurLoops=40 & RecursiveBlurRadius=4 . Loops are the iterations used repeating the blur and the radius the strongness of each iteration. Play around with these to see how they effect the effect :D


9 +


9 +


9 +


Thank you :D

3 Plings
0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version 0.5.5
downloads 24h 48
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 39

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