New system for installing programs in Linux.
Unzip to say /programs/firefox.
start as root "" script which creates links in /usr/local/bin or libs
links to firefox files:
ln -s /programs/firefox/somefile /usr/local/bin/somefile (or just ln to directory)
remove/rename /programs/firefox dir. Start "" script,
which would remove orphan files. (Files that link to nowhere,)
usability of already created binary packages (slackware ones?)
usable accross most distributions. (when talking about binary distribution)
use of $KDEDIR, or programdir

possibility of offline installation (no need for internet while installing)
easy install, deinstall.
no need for multiple packaging for every distro.
can be downloaded from internet, while in non linux sistem (unlike klik.)
(Note: I am aware of Gobolinux, PC-BSD, and klik. They all need recreating of current install packages.)
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1 Comment
umm.. how long have you been using linux? While the concept you envision is enviable, the way you present it is not possible. Multiple OS flavors require different libraries, etc., which are not guaranteed to be on each and every setup. What RPM's, deb's, ebuilds, etc., try to accomplish are to set out the requirements for the software and ensure they are installed as without the requirements being met, the software will not run. So, if you do not have GTK+ installed, and we try your method of instalation, firefox will never run. Most will agree that there needs to be a ubiquitous install method or at least some common specification that defines the underlying rules for how to check for deps (something perhaps or similar can help host/define). Windows installers usially do one of 3 things: 1) Assume things will just work - most times they do not. 2) Re-copy anyand all DLL's that could be needed, evewn if they are older ones, which can render the system unusable after. 3) Perform some sanity checks, make proper backups, verify requirements ar emet, etc. Even in these cases, windows will have multiple flavors 95, 98, XP, 2000, Millenium, and Vista. Not all software works the same across all of these, not do they use the same install software in all cases. Anyway, a grand idea, however, I think you need to be a little more theoretical in your suggestion and do some additional research if you want to make a truely valuable contribution here. Cheers.