Description: This is simply a modification of the main_bar.theme that's included with Karamba. It's adjusted to fit a 1280 width screen. Karamba can be found at:
Install the files to whatever directory you like. You'll have to edit to include your mail server name / username / password, and point the image paths to the proper directories. Do a 'chmod 700' and move it to a directory in your path (I've placed it in /usr/bin/ on my system).
To use the theme, place a link in your autostart folder (Konq -> Go -> Autostart) that executes the following:
karamba /main_bar.theme
The theme includes a reference to my windows mount point. Go ahead and remove or alter this; if you'd like to remove the "windows" text from the bar, however, you'll have to edit background.png. Not too difficult.
I threw this together quickly, so if you have any questions or problems, email me at
I'll be messing around with creating a menubar to complement this later today, and I'll post an update when it's complete.
-aaronjbLast changelog:
.02 - forgot to add the kmail clickarea. Clicking on the email icon will bring up kmail.
first I like very much karamba, it's cool and give a new look :)
using light theme, I was not able to get the mail icon and number of emails.
I tried the script on command line, it gives right answers, but in the karamba it gives nothing ...
Ratings & Comments
Hi, first I like very much karamba, it's cool and give a new look :) using light theme, I was not able to get the mail icon and number of emails. I tried the script on command line, it gives right answers, but in the karamba it gives nothing ...
Did you adjust the paths in to point to the mail images? Did you place in your path?
Forgot about html formatting (see the README, it's correct there). Execution should be: karamba <dir_you_installed_to>/main_bar.theme