To install theme, change name from Noia.zip to Noia.jar and use Theme Installer Add-On from http://themes.mozdev.org/
Credits to: Carlitus and Wojciech Jarosz
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.02 - changed junk icons
Ratings & Comments
What versions of Mozilla does this theme work with? The Theme installer does not seem to want to install on 1.2.1. :-( Would really like this theme..
Okay.. so I've renamed the file.. downloaded the theme installer... now what? How do i get this theme to work guys?
First of all: you should install Theme Installer (not download)! Then (in Mozilla): Edit->Preferences->Theme Installer-> Install jar theme-> pick up noia.jar file from disk-> That's all!!!
Hmm. Theme installer was downloaded and installed by Mozilla. I restarted Mozilla but there is no Theme Installer in preferences. What versin does Theme Installer need? I run Mozzy 1.2.1, and I can't find a homepage for theme installer anywhere. Looks like a damn fine theme this does!
I use Mozilla 1.4b. AFAIR, in older Mozillas, Theme Installer was located in Edition->Pref.->Themes. If you can't still find it , sorry but I'm not able to help you :-(
This option hasnt appeared in the mozilla prefs. What Mozilla version does Theme Installer require? I have 1.2.1 and its not working..
Could you make the spinner a planet like the Phoenix theme. That tired old M is boring. :)
Soon.... (I hope... ;-))
Great work. I've been waiting for this. Cheers!
One little suggestion. Could make the spinner look like the Phoenix version. So that the M gets replaced with the spinning planet. That would rock.